Spring B
The Three Little Pigs
Our story of the week has been the traditional tale "The Three Little Pigs". We helped the pigs make houses from straw, sticks and bricks.
Red Nose Day
The children came to school either in non uniform and made a donation to Comic Relief. We iced and decorated some delicious red nose cupcakes.
Mark Making
We have been so impressed with the fabulous drawing our Nursery children are producing. Such detail goes into them. They are able to tell us all about what they have drawn and are showing very good control over the pens and great concentration. Well done!
Physical Development
The children enjoyed the challenges of the obstacle course set out today. They develop their balance and co-ordination, perseverance and positive attitude to things they may find hard.
We have been reading the story 'Jack and the Beanstalk' and getting ready for Spring.
The children planted their own bean and are going to observe how it grows, learn how to look after them and predict how tall the plant will grow.
The role-play area has been changed into a garden centre, where they can shop for fruit and vegetables, buy pom pom seeds or make their very own bunch of flowers.
Easter Cards
We made some very cute cards for Easter, a chick or a bunny. They painted them first, added cotton wool or feathers and facial features to complete their card.
Decorating Easter Eggs
On the collage table the children could select colourful resources to design and decorate an egg
On the painting table the children used paints to develop their mark-making by painting some beautiful designs on a large egg.