Autumn Term A
Week 7
Stars of the Week
Well done to the following children this week who have received certificates.
Learner of the week- Dolcie
Mathematician of the week- Amelia
Positive attitude of the week- Whole Class
Writer of the week- Seren
Reader of the week- Eli
Week 7
This week the children have enjoyed a visit to Washington Wetland Centre. The class listened to Ava's story and completed activities throughout the morning. The children watched the otters being fed and learnt lots of interesting facts. They also saw flamingos, swans, geese and ducks. At the end of the day the children had some time to play at the park. It was great to see them having fun and enjoying the visit. Their behaviour was excellent and you can all be very proud. In Art this week the children created an Andy Warhol style portrait of Mr MingStones. We finished our Geography topic comparing hot and cold countries around the world and wrote about Captain Scott's trip to the South Pole.

Week 6
Stars of the Week
Well done to the following children this week who have received certificates.
Learner of the week- Owen
Mathematician of the week- Lacey
Positive attitude of the week- Maddie
Writer of the week- Sean
Reader of the week- Kacey
Week 6
In class this week the children have been very busy and working incredibly hard. In English they have described the big bad wolf from the story of the Deep Dark Woods. They have also written their own version of the story. In Maths we have continued to focus on place value including ordering amounts and numbers, using a number line, fact families and number bonds to 10 and 100. In P.E. the class were completing time challenges and counting in 2's, 5's and 10's. In Art we created an abstract portrait in the style of Picasso. In Geography the children have used maps and overlays to locate hot and cold places. In Bush Craft the class enjoyed creating their own hedgehogs using clay and twigs.

Week 5
Stars of the Week
Well done to the following children this week who have received certificates.
Learner of the week- Ali
Mathematician of the week- Macie-Leigh
Positive attitude of the week- Lia
Writer of the week- Charlie
Reader of the week- Marni
Week 5
In class this week the children have been comparing amounts in Maths and counting in twos. In English we have written a diary as the girl from the Deep Dark Woods and compared the stories we have read over the past few weeks. In Art we have done line drawings in the style of Paul Klee onto the water colour backgrounds we created last week. In Geography the children enjoyed working in groups to sort paintings of weather and grouped them into seasons.

Week 4
Stars of the Week
Well done to the following children this week who have received certificates.
Learner of the week- Miley
Mathematician of the week- Nathan
Positive attitude of the week- Harry
Writer of the week- Daisy
Reader of the week- Octavia
Week 4
In English this week the children have created their own story map of the Deep Dark Wood and sequenced events using time word openers. In Maths the year one children have worked in pairs playing a game to consolidate their understanding of one less and compared amounts using the words more, fewer and equal. The year two children have been estimating where numbers are on an empty number line as well as comparing amounts. The class enjoyed creating water colour backgrounds in the style of Paul Klee, blending colours and creating patterns. In computing we have discussed how to stay safe online and completed a quiz. In Science we have recorded the weather and linked events to the seasons.

Week 3
Stars of the Week
Well done to the following children this week who have received certificates.
Learner of the week- Amelia
Mathematician of the week- Seren
Positive attitude of the week- Azhe
Writer of the week- Malik
Reader of the week- Charlie
Week 3
In year 1/2 this week the year 1 children have been counting forwards and backwards and finding one more and one less. The year 2 children have been making amounts with tens and ones, partitioning two digit numbers and comparing amounts. In English we have been reading and writing about the deep dark woods and have created our own monster friend. The year twos have also tried to use a variety of openers and conjunctions to develop their writing. In Science the class have collected signs of Autumn and drawn trees throughout the seasons. On Wednesday the the class have enjoyed the start of the Fitness unit in P.E. In Art the children learnt about showing emotions in their drawings by using colour linked to how the person was feeling.

Week 2
Stars of the Week
Well done to the following children this week who have received certificates.
Learner of the week- Theo
Mathematician of the week- Ben
Positive attitude of the week- Owen
Writer of the week- Dolcie
Reader of the week- Mason
Week 2
The children have worked very hard in class this week and are enjoying the new challenges in Y1/2. In English we are looking at traditional tales. In Maths the class are focussing on place value using concrete objects to support them. In Art the children have created their own self portraits using mirrors to look at themselves in closer detail. In Science we have started to learn about the seasons and how the weather changes throughout the year. The class enjoyed bush craft with Mrs McHatton on Wednesday, they also explored how positive and negative words can have an impact on each other.

Phase 1 Curriculum Overview
Week 1
Stars of the Week
Well done to the following children this week who have received certificates.
Learner of the week- Eli
Mathematician of the week- Jacob
Positive attitude of the week- Kacey
Writer of the week- Lacey
Reader of the week- Sean
Week 1
The children have been superstars this week and have settled into class and daily routines. The children have created their own class rules and signed a class charter. In the mornings the children have been taking their time in handwriting lessons. In Maths the year one children have ordered numbers to 20 and the the year twos have solved the missing numbers up to 100. The children have completed getting to know you activities and recapped their phonic sounds. It has been great to see how many children have read at home with a grown up this week. Thank you for supporting your child and taking the time to listen to them.