Autumn Term A
Week 7
The children have continued to work hard this week. They have written the beginning to their own traditional tale.
This half term they have enjoyed their football sessions too, learning lots of new skills. They have been learning how to access Mathletics, Timetable Rockstars and Seesaw. We will be using Seesaw to post homework each week and to post work if children have to self isolate. All the children have brought home their logins for each of these learning platforms.
Well done for working so hard this half term. Have a great week off and we look forward to hearing all of your holiday news when you return.
Great fun in Bushcraft
Week 6
The children have worked hard this week. They have enjoyed playing bingo to help them with their 2 times tables. In English they have begun a report on sea turtles and have made super comparisons between "The Three Little Pigs" and "The Three Little Wolves".
Well done to this week’s achievers.
Week 5
This week the children have been learning to count in threes. They have found out what happened next in "The Three Little Wolves and the Big Bad Pig". They have also enjoyed making their Christmas cards. Look out tonight as they are bringing home their Christmas card design. If you want any please order online and return the design to school.
In bushcraft this week the children made fruit kebabs. They talked about caring for the environment, animals and each other. They talked about healthy foods and how important it is to try and have vegetables and fruit in their diet. They then explored the bushcraft area and created their own areas to play in. Vinnie and Louie made a pizza shop!
Week 4
This week the children have been working really hard on counting in 5’s. We made the most of the sunshine and wrote out the multiples of 5 on the yard, then we practised counting in 5’s. We were sure everyone in West Denton could hear us.
We have also started a new book "The Three Little Wolves and the Big, Bad Pig." We can’t wait to find out what happens.
Week 3
Another busy week in our Year 2 classroom! We have been learning our 10 times table, finding the value of each digit in a 2 digit number and we had great fun acting out "Three Little Pigs". We think we have some budding actors and actresses in our class.
Week 3 certificates
Week 2
Another great week! The children have settled back into the school routine really well. They have been working hard this week; reading and writing two digit numbers, recommending places that alien Frank could visit, developing their football skills and enjoying an online music lesson with Rock Steady. This week they learnt all about pitch and were able to use their bodies to show if the pitch was high or low. They were super excited when the online teacher gave a shout out to 'West Denton Primary School'.
Well done to this week's achievers!
Week 1
Wow! We have had a wonderful first week back. We are so proud of your children, they have returned to school happily and adjusted to the new rules and routines incredibly well. They all look very smart and thank you for sending them in their PE kit on Wednesday too. Thank you for bearing with us at drop off and pick up, this system does seem to be working well.
This week the children have enjoyed getting to know their new teachers and each other.
They have begun working on shapes too.