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West Denton Primary School

‘A Stepping Stone into the Future’

Spring Term B

Week 6

This week in class we have been learning how to measure using a ruler. The children enjoyed measuring objects in the class room , including their hands and feet. The children have learnt about the Easter story sequencing and writing sentences about the story.  In Art the children have created their own scratch Easter egg, made an Easter basket and decorated their own Easter egg. 

Week 5


Well done to the following children this week who have received certificates.


Learner of the week- Ashton

Mathematician of the week- Ibrahim

Positive attitude of the week- Elsie

Writer of the week- Kai

Reader of the week- Darcy

This week in school the children have been writing their own Gruffalo story. They have enjoyed a Gruffalo trail in the bush craft, looked for clues and collected letters to find their Easter eggs.

In Maths we have been counting in twos and completing our Hit the button challenge.  

Week 4


Well done to the following children this week who have received certificates.


Learner of the week- Jessica

Mathematician of the week- Izzy

Positive attitude of the week- Mohamed

Writer of the week- Siako

Reader of the week- Joey

This week the children have continued to write about the story of the Gruffalo and whet the characters might say to each other.  In Maths we have been learning about greater than and less than. In our topic at the farm the children are starting to learn about we they live and comparing the city and country. 

Week 3

A huge welcome back to everyone after the lockdown.  It has been great to see the children in person this week rather than virtually through Seesaw. The children have worked extremely hard and you can be super proud of their commitment in class. 

Thank you for all of your support during lockdown and your home schooling efforts.


In  class this week the children have sequenced the Gruffalo story, created a story map and described the features of the Gruffalo. In PE the children enjoyed learning the start of a dance routine with the instructor Emily. 

Week 3


Well done to the following children this week who have received certificates.


Learner of the week- Harrison

Mathematician of the week- C J

Positive attitude of the week- Darcy

Writer of the week- Callum

Reader of the week- Freddie

Lockdown Week 2

All the staff would like to offer our heart felt thanks to all the parents and children who have continued to work through lockdown. The quality and commitment shown has been fantastic! 

We can't wait to see the children next week so that you can show us all the new skills you have gained whilst working from home.laugh

Lockdown Week 1

What another great week for all the children at home and in school. 

It's delightful to see the commitment they are showing towards their learning. 



Chinese New Year
