Spring B
Week 4
The children have been eco-warriors this week, planting fruit trees in the orchard and around the school field. As part of their Geography’s topic, the children worked together to research various wonders of the world which they then presented to the class. In Maths, the year 5s have been calculating the area of compound shapes and Year 6 have been finding equivalent fractions, decimals and percentages. In English, the children wrote persuasive audio scripts which they performed brilliantly!
Week 3
This week, we have been learning about Death Valley in Geography and comparing it to Newcastle. In Maths, Year 6 have been dividing fractions to find the decimal equivalents and Year 5 have been finding the perimeter of compound shapes. As part of the persuasive writing unit, the children were asked to debate and rank what they thought were the most important features of persuasive writing. The children have been using Purple Mash in Computing to create their own text based adventure games, showing off their programming skills very well.
Week 2
On Monday we enjoyed a dance workshop as part of this week's World Book Day celebrations. The workshop was based around a book called "The Iron Man" by Ted Hughes, which most of us had studied in Phase 2.
On Wednesday we continued with our African drumming lessons. We have now learnt the basic drumming beats - slap, bass and tone - and are putting them together to produce a piece which will be performed at the end of this half term.
Week 1
We have had a great first week back. We have started to learn about fractions, decimals and percentages in maths. In Literacy we have been looking at features of persuasive texts. In PE we enjoyed a game of bench ball as a bit of sporting fun. In music we had our first drumming lesson and the instructor was very impressed with our behaviour and musical ability.