Autumn A
Week 1 and 2
Welcome to West Denton Primary School!
Welcome to our new Nursery class.
During induction visits the Nursery children have been learning routines and how to use the classroom equipment. They explored the indoor and outdoor environments, stayed for lunch and have been making new friends. All of the children have settled in very well and we are looking forward to a fun filled year! Have a look at some of the things we have been up to ...
Week 3
Making Friends and Exploring
The children are building in confidence. During play children explore their own ideas, learn how to use resources and use imagination and creativity. The children are beginning to develop relationships with their peers.
Week 4
All things Autumn!
In Nursery this week we have been learning about Autumn. We talked about the changes that happen and how the world around us begins to look a bit different.
We know that in the Autumn, the leaves begin to fall from the trees, and turn brown, red and orange! We also know that the weather begins to get a bit cooler, and we will need to wear our jumpers and jackets!
The children used glue and collage pieces to create an Autumn tree design.
The children have been investigating conkers, learning their name and where they came from.
Saltdough Hedgehogs
We kneaded, rolled and shaped the dough before carefully adding lots of spikes. Using our thumb and index finger to hold and pinch helps to build muscles in our hands used for writing.
Fork Print Hedgehogs
The forks were the perfect tool to make the prickly spikes of the hedgehogs.
Autumn Leaves
We used rollers to add texture and paint to different shapes leaves.

Week 5
5 Little Leaves
Nursery are continuing with our Autumn theme, talking about changes in the leaves and singing the '5 Little Leaves' song. We added collage pieces to sticky plastic to make suncatcher leaves for our windows.

Chalk Mark Making
We have been exploring different mark making tools. Here we are using chalks to create spikes.
Bubble Wrap Printing
Nursery created Autumn trees using bubble wrap, rollers and warm paint colours.

Week 6
After reading the story "Delicious A Pumpkin Soup Story" by Helen Cooper, the children helped make their own soup with Mrs Hughes. They developed their hand-eye co-ordination using small tools to chop, peel and cut up the vegetables. Once it was cooked they all had a taste and most children agreed it was delicious!

This week we have been exploring pumpkins looking at size and textures inside and out. The children used their senses to feel, touch and smell the pumpkin. We had fun seeing who was strong enough to lift our enormous one. They used different tools to dig out the inside of the pumpkin and talk about how the flesh and seeds felt.

Carved Pumpkin Collages
Week 7
The children made choices, selecting which colour clothing to use. We practised using glue sticks to join surfaces together to design and outfit. They used pens to make marks for their scarecrow faces and were very proud of their end result. We have also enjoyed dancing to 'The Dingle Dangle Scarecrow' song.

Cutting Skills
The children have been trying out scissors, discovering which ones they can manipulate best. We practised opening and closing our fingers to create snips in paper. They were very engrossed in activity and showed high levels of concentration. Well done!
Week 8
Nature Walk
We took the children into our Bushcraft area to look at the Autumnal changes. The Nursery children collected different types of coloured leaves and turned them into a beautiful nature crown.
Halloween Party
The children looked amazing in their costumes today and had loads of fun at the party. They showed off their dance moves and played some games to win prizes. We had some party food at snack time and had a very special visitor too ...
We had a lovely visit from Rob at Zoolab. He was dressed as a wizard and told us a spooky story. Rob showed the children the live animals from the story and they enjoyed observing and handling them. The animals included a hissing cockroach, tarantula, snake, giant snail and rat. We learned some interesting facts about these animals too.

Bubbly couldron pictures