Autumn B
Polar Express
All aboard the Polar Express!
Good job all the children remembered their tickets and their pyjamas to enjoy the Polar Express experience. The children loved watching the movie with a milkshake, marshmallows and a chocolate lolly.
The children went to visit Santa in Bushcraft and shared their Christmas wish with him. He was very pleased with all the children and loved their festive singing.
Christmas Dinner
The whole school were treated to a turkey dinner with all the trimmings this week. It was delicious!
Christmas Party
What an exciting day it has been. Dancing, party food and prizes to be won can it get any better than that?
Christmas Writing
The children used their phonics knowledge to write CVC labels. They were great at hearing the sounds and identifying the correct letter formation to write.

Week 5
This week the children have been learning about the story of Jesus’ birth. We looked at the gifts that were given to Jesus and why people followed the star to see the baby Jesus. We practiced our Christmas Nativity and performed it to the school and our families.
Elf on the Shelf Diary
See what the cheeky elf has been up to this week in Reception.
Decorating the Christmas Tree
The children loved rocking around the Christmas tree to festive music and making our tree look amazing.
Social Games
Social games give the children a chance to lead and follow play whilst developing their number recognition.
Week 4
This week we have been reading 'Don't Hog the Hedge'. The children have learned lots of interesting facts about hedgehogs and what it means to hibernate. The children then used their phonics knowledge to help Hattie write a hibernation checklist to make sure she has a comfortable sleep.

Hedgehog Art
Elf on the Shelf Diary
Oh Oh!!!
Ed the elf has arrived into Reception Red Room to spread some festive fun.

Fine Motor Challenge

Week 3
This week Reception have been reading "Rosie's Walk" by Pat Hutchins. The story is about a hen going for a walk on a farm and she is unknowingly being followed by a fox. The fox is unable to catch the hen as it walks through obstacles. The children have been practising using prepositions when retelling the story.
PE - Super Heroes
This week in PE we discussed the super heroes that we are familiar with and what makes them a hero. The children then all became super heroes to carry out challenges that were set. The children began to work co-operatively with one another by sharing equipment and completing tasks together as a team. The children developed their confidence and listening skills by following instructions to complete challenges.
Week 2
Dipal's Diwali
Reception listened to a story about Dipal and his family celebrating the Diwali festival of light. As part of our finger challenges this week we created Henna patterns.

Diva Lamp
We used salt dough to create a diva lamp. The children painted and decorated them with jewels. I think you’ll agree they look amazing!
Number 3
This week in maths the children have been looking at ways to identify, subitise and represent 1, 2 and 3. We used our knowledge to have a tea party for Lion's 3rd birthday ensuring that all the bears had an equal amount of party food.
5 Peas in a Peapod Pressed
This week the children have continued to engage with activities that underline the purpose of counting to find out 'how many' objects are altogether. They have reinforced their understanding of cardinality that the last number in the count tells us 'how many' things are altogether in a set of objects.
Children in Need
We looked spotacular in our spotty clothes today. We read 'Pudsey's Great Fundraiser' and thought about the best ways that we could raise money next year. We also enjoyed making our own Pudsey headband to wear for 'Children in Need'.

Week 1
This week the class have shared their stories about Bonfire Night. We watched a video of a firework display and used our phonics knowledge to write what we had seen and heard. We read the story 'Sparks in the Sky' and learned how to keep safe during firework displays.

Firework Display Art
The children loved developing their fine motor skills by drawing shapes and patterns with bright colours to make our own firework display art.
Making Sparkler Snacks
The children enjoyed their yummy sparkler snack that they decorated themselves. Unfortunately we were not able to write our names in the air with them.
Remembrance Day
This week we remember all those who fought for our country and those who keep us safe now. We observed a 2 minutes silence on the stroke of 11 wearing our poppies that we made ourselves. The children have also created poppy art using spare parts and enjoyed making their own poppy biscuits.
Theo and the Velvet Onesie
Reception were fascinated to learn children had to sleep underground during the war to stay safe in London. We found out that the prime minister Winston Churchill's siren suit was the original onesie!