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West Denton Primary School

‘A Stepping Stone into the Future’

Summer Term B

Week 4

Stars of the Week


Well done to the following children this week who have received certificates.

Learner of the week- Sophia

Mathematician of the week-Jacob

Positive attitude of the week- Maddie

Writer of the week- Dolcie

Reader of the week- Kacey

Week 4

The children have had another busy week in class. In English we have been writing similes about Grandad's Secret Giant. In Maths we have been comparing numbers using less than, more than or equal to.  In R.E we have been learning about what Jesus taught us, including some of the parables he told. On Wednesday we had a mental health assembly with the Lily Jo project, providing the children with strategies when dealing with their emotions and feelings.  On Thursday the class took part in the outdoor LSCA with their parents and grown ups.  They enjoyed toasting marsh mellows, litter picking around the school, picking fruits in the edible garden and trying out the pizza cooked in the outdoor pizza oven. 

Week 3

Stars of the Week


Well done to the following children this week who have received certificates.

Learner of the week- Sean

Mathematician of the week-Miley

Positive attitude of the week- Nathan

Writer of the week- Daisy

Reader of the week- Octavia

Week 3

This week the children enjoyed celebrating Bee Day on Monday, they learnt lots of interesting facts about bees and how bees help produce food by pollinating the flowers of plants and trees.  We also created a honeycomb of positive qualities linked to PSHE.  The class enjoyed completing a pointillisim bee picture, using cotton buds and paint. 

Week 2

Stars of the Week


Well done to the following children this week who have received certificates.

Learner of the week- Eli

Mathematician of the week-Ben

Positive attitude of the week- Whole class

Writer of the week- Macie-Leigh

Reader of the week- Owen

Week 2

The children have had a busy week in class this week. In Maths we have learning about direction and positional language and interpreting data. In P.E. the children have been competing in races getting ready for sports day. On Tuesday they enjoyed their visit to Kirkley Hall zoo, completing activities in the woods in the morning and then meeting the animals up close.  Once again the behaviour of the children was excellent. 

Week 1

Stars of the Week


Well done to the following children this week who have received certificates.

Learner of the week- Ali

Mathematician of the week-Amelia

Positive attitude of the week- Daniel

Handwriter of the week- Lacey

Reader of the week- Mason

Week 1

The children have had a short week to the start of the final term.  In Science we have started a new unit, Living things and their habitats.  The children sorted images into things that are alive and things that have are not alive.  On Thursday the year 1 children enjoyed a "snuggle and read" with their grown ups.  In English we have been completing a challenge to correctly spell as many of the 100 common exception words as possible. 
