Spring B
Week 5
This week we’ve had a DT week where we designed and made a purse each. What a great job they did.

Week 4
Some amazing drumming this week. The video I took was just too big to upload to the website but I will try to find a way to upload it so you can see the progress made. In computing this week we did a text based adventure where the children had to plan their own story adventures, and in English we designed posters to encourage us to visit Egypt.

Week 3
This week we've done lots of SATs prep, taking our time and analysing the questions so we understand what the question is asking. We've done some more persuasive writing in English, and in science we did a quiz on electricity. We've also done some more drumming which the children are really enjoying.
Week 2
It's been a busy, busy week in Year 6 this week. On Monday, we joined in with some World Book Day dancing where we added movement to tell a story. On Tuesday, We went on a trip to The Sil on Tuesday, where we learned about the planets. On Wednesday, we did African Drumming again, please see photos and videos in the gallery below. In Science on Thursday, we did more work on electricity and had fun making our own circuits. And on Friday, we came in to school in our pj's and shared a book or two to celebrate World Book Day. What a week!
African Drumming

African Drumming Close Up

Week 1
Welcome back everyone. This week we were straight back into SATs prep. We were all a little rusty after our week off but we soon got back into the swing of maths after answering some tricky questions. In English, we have started to look at writing a persuasive text, hopefully we can share some of these with you next week. It wasn't all hard work though, we had a great session on Wednesday learning how to play the African drums. We were having somuch fun that we forgot to take any photos. We will take some next week. And lastly, in Science, we have started to look at electricity.