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West Denton Primary School

‘A Stepping Stone into the Future’

Autumn Term A

Week 5

What a busy week!

This week, Christmas arrived early as we made our own designs ready to send of to be made into real Christmas cards, place mats, wrapping paper and many other items. We can't wait to see what they look like as actual Christmas items.

We have also continued our book "Escape from Pompeii" and enjoyed watching an animation of Mount Vesuvius erupting and used this to produce some fantastic multi sensory recount writing including metaphors, similes and personification. Look out JK Rawling we have some super future authors in the making. 

As well as this, we have been trying really hard to develop our joined handwriting and have tried really hard to continue to learn our times tables, enjoying a few games of hit the button and times tables bingo! 

We have worked our socks off this week and are ready for a rest this week end so that we can come back raring to learn more next week. 

Week 4

In English this week Year 3/4 have been writing poems and carrying on with their work based on earthquakes.   We ended the week learning about verbs. Also this week, the children have been multiplying by 10 and 100, and have been learning how to add mentally. 


We have finished off our busy week by doing times tables and spellings. 

Week 3

What a busy week Year 3/4 have had!


In Maths this week the children have been learning about negative numbers.  They have been rounding to the nearest 10, 100 and 1000 and multiplying by 10 and 100. 

In English they have been creating their own 'Freeze Frames', both for before and during an earthquake.  They have also written fantastic descriptions about an earthquake scene! Also, they have been completing brilliant handwriting sessions all week.


On Thursday, the classes got an opportunity to star in their own band with the 'Rock Steady' workshop.


A very hardworking and brilliant week.  Well done, Year 3/4!

Week 2

This week the children have been ordering numbers and they have mastered the use of 'greater than' and 'smaller than' symbols.  In English they have started their new book called "Escape From Pompeii", which is centred around a young boy Tranio, and the challenges he faces when Mount Vesuvius erupts. 

Also this week, Year 3/4 have took part in drama, PE and enjoyed an afternoon with Mrs McHatton in the bushcraft area!

A very busy week!

Week 1

What a wonderful week starting back to school!  The children settled right into their new class with Mrs Wood and Miss Torrance.

This week they have been learning all about place value in Maths, have written letters to Mrs Wood about themselves and started their new Art topic, learning all about Pablo Picasso and Cubism.
