RE Curriculum Coverage and Progression
RE Progression Document
RE Curriculum
Themes studied throughout West Denton Primary School:
Faith Communities; Festivals and Celebrations; Sacred Writings; Religious Teachers; Beliefs and Practice; Talking about God; World Faiths.
Units of Work
Early Years:
- The Importance of Belonging
- Harvest Festivals
- Friends of Jesus
Key Stage 1 (Phase 1):
- Expressions of Belonging
- Christmas and Hanukkah
- Easter
- Introduction to the Bible through Characters and Stories
- Teaching through Stories
- Christian Beliefs and Practice
- Ideas about God in Christianity and Judaism
- Judaism: Torah and Shabbat
- Judaism: Beliefs and Practice
Lower Key Stage 2 (Phase 2):
- Expressions of Identity
a) Meanings within Christmas and Diwali
b) Meanings within Easter
- Contents and Significance of the Bible
- The Person of Jesus
- Religions in the Local Community
- The Meaning of Signs and Symbols in Religion
- Hinduism: God and Worship in the Home
- Hinduism: Beliefs and Practice
Upper Key Stage 2 (Phase 3):
- Places of Worship
- The Importance of Worship
- Origins and Composition of the Bible
- People’s Perspectives and Impressions of Jesus
- The Influence of Faith on Believers
- God as Spirit
- Islam: Muhammad
- Islam: The Qur’an
- Islam: The Five Pillars
- Islam: The Role of the Mosque