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West Denton Primary School

‘A Stepping Stone into the Future’

Useful Information

Personal Care

Below you will find information regarding personal care and tips for looking after your family.

Toilet Training Session with the 0 -19 Health Visiting and School Nursing Service

Bedtime sleep issues -

What time do your children go to bed? Do you know how much sleep they need? We look at how to make bed time a peaceful and relaxing experience, with some tip...

Online Safety

The following websites have useful information and help guides to give Parents and Carers support to keep their child safe online. 

General E-Safety Websites

Think You Know - Parent and Carer section on the Think You Know website
Action for Children - 5 ways to help children and young people stay safe online. 
UK Safer Internet Centre - Tips, advice, guides and resources to help keep your child safe online. 
Internet Matters - This website contains a range of different guides about various aspects of keeping safe online

Social Media Support

High Speed Training Hub Guide to Instagram 
Connect Safely - An Instagram Guide for Parents 

Online Gaming Support

Online Gaming by Internet Matters 
Childnet - Online Gaming Guide 

Cyber Bullying Support

Advice on Cyber Bullying from Department for Education 
Cyber bullying guide for Parents from Internet Matters
