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West Denton Primary School

‘A Stepping Stone into the Future’

Spring Term B

Week Five


Well I cannot believe another half term is over and what a jam packed week we had. 

  • Spanish Day
  • Hands on Maths problem solving and reasoning tasks
  • Easter egg competition
  • The children designed and created their own games in Computing
  • Exploring symbolism in English 
  • Concluding our History unit on ‘The British Empire’
  • Sharing the Easter story

Please enjoy week 5 in photographs.


Have a lovely holiday!

Miss Croll

Week Four


This week,  the children have been evaluating their fairground rides and writing like a designer. The children have thoroughly enjoyed this unit of work and I am so proud how resilient they were, living out the WDPS core values as well as their creativity. Well done Year 5 I am so proud of you all.


At the end of last week, the children finished the ABC project where they were looking at making the right choices in life. Mr Mathers brought in different uniforms to try on and Miss Torrance certainly got into role.


John Quinn treated Phase Three to an inspirational RAP talk, where he told the children all about his interesting life journey and the jobs he has had, including being a Clown Doctor. He also treated us to some of his amazing poetry. 


On Thursday afternoon, following on from the 'Speak Out  - Stay Safe' assembly from the NSPCC, Year 5 took part in a workshop where they explored this issue in more detail. 


The children have also immersed themselves in History this week as the began a unit of work around The British Empire. 


If you ever need to get in touch my email is: 


Have a lovely weekend.


Miss Croll

Week Three

Year 5 have had a very hands on week, from planting trees to making fairground rides in DT with rotating parts. The children have finished off the week with Red Nose Day, music and the last session of ABC. Enough from me as pictures speak louder than words.


Have a lovely weekend!


Miss Croll

Week Two


This has been a fun packed week making circuits and designing fairground rides!


On Tuesday, the children were on jury service at the trail is Mr. Alexander T Wolf , who managed to escape jail even though the evidence was compelling. They then took part in a drama workshop.


In literacy, the children have begun writing their own information texts on Climate Change.


Have a lovely weekend!



Week One


This week, we have been looking at non-fiction texts linked to global warming and working on our termly reading focus of understanding the features of page layout and structure of non-fiction texts.


In Numeracy, we have been developing our fluency with multiplying and dividing as well as solving problems linked to these two operations.


As a phase, we had a learning log all about safety and thank you so much for coming along. If you could not attend, please ask your child about the SMART rules for staying safe online.


It was great to see all the children dressed up for World Book Day and next Tuesday the children will be talking part in a workshop and an assembly called ‘Wolf on Trial’.


Kind regards


Miss Croll
