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School Logo

West Denton Primary School

‘A Stepping Stone into the Future’


If you have any questions or queries for your child’s class teacher, please just drop us an email.  We will happily get back in touch with you.

Blue Room Miss Knowles

Red Room Mr Matthews

Weekly Class Blogs

Reception Welcome Letter

PE is on a Wednesday

Children to come to school in their PE kit.  

Top: plain white, round neck T-shirt

Bottoms: black shorts, tracksuit bottoms or leggings (suitably dressed for the weather)

Shoes: black sandshoes or trainers

Bushcraft is on a Monday

Reception do not need to wear uniform and should wear suitable outdoor clothing on these days.

Top: plain white, round neck t-shirt and school jumper or cardigan

Bottoms: dark tracksuit bottoms or leggings (suitably dressed for the weather)

Wellies can be uncomfortable for children to wear when sitting on the carpet. If children wear wellies please provide footwear for children to change into when returning to class.

 Reading Folders

Reading folders and word tubs to be returned on a Monday only.


 How to say the sounds


Home Learning Apps and Links


 Maths Apps and Links    


 Reading Apps and Links



 Mini Mash

Mini Mash is a safe online space for children in the Early Years to learn, create and explore.  Your child will need to enter their username and password to access.  The video below will guide you around the key areas and features:


