Summer A
Week 5
The children had great fun making their African masks. Take a look. Haven’t they done a wonderful job!
African masks
Week 4
This week the children have been busy learning about fractions. They can now find a half, quarter and third of a shape or amount. Well done Year 2! In science they have been planting cress and finding out which conditions the seeds need to germinate and grow. They have designed their African mask.
Week 3
The children have enjoyed another busy week at school this week. They have been reading Billy and the Beast and writing diary entries from Billy. They have also read The Barnabus Project and have created their own animal. There has been some wonderful writing. The children completed their African art tile and have enjoyed learning about plants in science.
Week 2
The children had a great time at Kirklees Hall, they loved exploring the woods, having a hands on session with different animals and visiting the zoo, an action packed day! The rest of the week the children have been writing a recount and carrying out lots of measuring work. They are enjoying learning about trees in science and creating African art.
Week 1
The children have had a great first week back. They have worked hard weighing objects in the classroom comparing heavier and lighter. In art, we have been looking at African patterns, the children have started their tile piece. Watch this space to see the finished piece.