Autumn Term B
Week Five and Six
Year 5 have been historians for the last two weeks critiquing sources to decide if the story of the Trojan Horse is fact or legend. The majority of the class came to the conclusion it was fact but some children felt it had been exaggerated over time and therefore was part legend.
On Tuesday, the school was treated to a panto (oh yes we were) based on 'Goldielocks' which was very entertaining.
The children have also been very busy practising for the show Stable Manner. The performance is on Monday at 14.15 in the school and we cannot wait to see you all there in person.
Have a lovely weekend.
Miss Croll
This Week’s Photos
Week Four
It has been a strange week as half of the class have been at Robin Wood - please see the blog in the Phase Three folder.
So, what have we been up to? The children have been learning a Christmas song for a virtual performance in connection with Newcastle's Music Service. The children have also been learning the sign language to accompany their performance. I have been blown away by their commitment and energy.
The children are really engaged in this half term's art focus of Street Art. This week the children have been building on their 'throwies' they designed in week one (you may know this as a graffitist's tag) and their understanding of what street art is. The children have been working on a number of designs to brighten up public spaces - decorating bollards, bins and benches as well as creating moral designs.
This week the children have been exploring examples of satirical art. Stop - wait a minute! What is satirical art? Well, this can often be humorous or witty with a political theme too. It can highlight flaws in society or individuals. The children chose to create their own sketches this week looking at the environment.
At the end of the week, the children have begun their new computing unit of work - spreadsheets. This has linked brilliantly to Maths where the children have been multiplying by 10, 100 and 1000 and they were then converting measures from cm to m. In lesson two, we investigated which letter is the most commonly used in the English language. This linked to Science as we were hypothesizing and using variables in the investigation.
Things to ask your child about their learning:
What is a variable and what was the variable in the lesson?
What does the 'How many tool' do?
Which letter came out top?
Have a lovely weekend.
Street Art Update

Week Three
We kicked off the week in our odd socks for Anti Bullying Week. Each day the children have been completing different tasks and activities so they are fully aware what they need to do, or how they can support someone else who may be getting bullied. We have had some excellent discussions. Why not ask your child all about it.
Also, the children have been learning all about the Earth, Sun and Moon with Mrs. Barr in Science. In History and English, we are now looking at Greek Myths and Legends.
Year 5, who have also been working on our Linguistic Learning Journey target, learned all about relative clauses and the children have been including these in their big writes. However, steel pans were certainly the highlight of the week - please enjoy the videos.
Have a lovely weekend everyone!
Miss Croll
Music Makers
Music Makers

Getting started

Earth, Sun and Moon
Week Two
The children have been learning 'On Flanders Fields' by John McCrae for our remembrance assemble on Friday 11th November. It was a very moving assembly and I was so proud of my class.
Also, the children have thoroughly enjoyed creating our class hedgehogs from clay and we also made pompoms hedgehogs too.
On Flanders Fields by John McCrae

Week One
In Maths, the children have began to look at multiplying and dividing. They have been covering multiples and common multiples.
Quiz - what are the common multiples of 4 and 6? Top tip - write both tables out and circle the numbers which are only in both.
We then moved on to pairs of factors.
Quiz time- give me all of the factors for:
Did you know, prime numbers only have 2 factors, one and itself?
Quiz time - what are all the prime number from 2 to 30?
The children had a blast at the Halloween disco and their costumes were awesome!
Poetry has been a real theme this week when we looked at three poems by WIlliam Blake. Also, the children are learning On Flanders Field for our Remembrance Assembly on Friday. Please can you support your child with this task for homework.
The children are really engaged in this half term's art focus of Street Art. This week the children have been creating 'throwies' (you may know this as a graffitist's tag) and they were introduced to the concept of street art.
Have a lovely weekend and stay safe. Below are some examples of what they produced this week.
Miss Croll