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West Denton Primary School

‘A Stepping Stone into the Future’

Autumn A

Week 8

The children have had a wonderful half term and have worked exceptionally hard, we are very proud of them! This week the children having being learning about synonyms and antonyms and consolidating their learning of how to add and take away 10 from any number. In History the children sorted pictures into ‘holidays now’ and ‘holidays in the past’ and discussed the differences. The children also made some spooky art focusing on fine motor skills to create webs, then on Thursday we dressed up and had fun at the spooky disco.  During the sessions in the Bushcraft Area this half term the children have had great fun exploring and looking at ways to care for the environment.


Stars of the Week

Well done to the following children this week who have received certificates.

Learner of the week- Daisy Mae

Mathematician of the week- Dani

Learner of the week-  Harry

Positive attitude of the week- Robin

Reader of the week- Jessica


Week 7


In Maths the children had to match different presentations of addition sums.  On Tuesday the class had their  Music workshop Story Makers and participated in learning a new spooky song. In P.E the children continued to practice their sending and receiving skills and learnt how to obstruct.  For the new History topic ‘What is History?’, the children looked at photographs from earlier in the their lives and discussed memories. They then plotted key events on a timeline to show their understanding of the concept. In ICT the children have been learning about algorithms and coding. 


Stars of the Week

Well done to the following children this week who have received certificates.

Learner of the week- Michael

Mathematician of the week- Alexa

Positive attitude of the week- Harper

Writer of the week- Ava

Reader of the week- Isaac



Week 6


In English the children have been  writing command sentences for ‘How to trap an alien’. In Maths the children have  been learning about related facts and number bonds to a hundred. On Tuesday the class once  again enjoyed the  Music workshop. In P.E the children have continued to practice their sending and receiving skills, with a focus on throwing and catching over a longer distance.  In Science the children made predictions and used their observational skills to look at why it is important to wash your hands with soap.


Stars of the Week

Well done to the following children this week who have received certificates.

Learner of the week- Lisa

Mathematician of the week- Hunter

Positive attitude of the week- Aliza

Writer of the week-Dani & Alexander

Reader of the week- Sofia

Science Experiment

Still image for this video

Week 5


In English the children have been retelling the story ‘Gorilla’ by Anthony Browne, in the form of a comic strip. In Maths the children have been learning to count in twos, fives, tens and threes, and making odd numbers using the rekenreks.  In PSHE, the children talked to Ted to describe what it is to ‘be resilient’ and the importance of coming to school. They focused on their Oracy skills to present their  discussions. In Art they continued with a PSHE focus and shared their feelings via artwork using different mediums and colours.


Week 4


In English the children have been using freeze frames to show emotions of characters from a book and writing different sentence types. In Maths the children have been estimating numbers on a number line and comparing numbers using the greater than and less than symbols.  On Tuesday we had our second Music workshop Story Makers and enjoyed learning about the percussion instruments.   In Science we measured our resting heart rate and heart rate after exercise. We found out that heart rate increases when you exercise. In P.E. the children learnt to send and receive a ball with their feet playing a game called ‘follow the rainbow’. In ICT we made posters to promote online safety. 


Please can you listen to your child read as often as possible. 

Homework will be given out on a Friday and should be brought back for the following Friday.


Stars of the Week

Well done to the following children this week who have received certificates.

Learner of the week- Tommie

Mathematician of the week- Daisy

Positive attitude of the week- Isaac

Learner of the week- Hunter

Reader of the week- Ben

Week 3

This week Year 2 have been looking at, and sorting foods into the different food groups in Science. In P.E they have been developing sending and receiving skills by playing games called ‘Bucket Ball’ and ‘Mini Dragons’. They have been writing character descriptions using different sentence types, and developing their knowledge of Place Value using flexible partitioning in Maths.


Well done to the following children this week who have received certificates.

Writer of the week- Ava

Mathematician of the week- Manar

Positive attitude of the week- Arianna

Learner of the week - Carter

Learner of the week- Vinnie



Week 3
