School Closure Home Learning Year 1
Week 7
Summer Term B
We can't quite believe that we have finally reached the last week of term! We hope everyone is well, we are still missing you all more than you know! It has been wonderful to hear the children's voices .
Our planning for the final week is based around the theme of Transition.There are some lovely activities to help your child think about the past year and prepare to move on. Some of the activities include: creating a memory jar with pictures and writing to show their favourite memories of the last year; remembering their proudest achievements; drawing or writing a goodbye message to friends and teachers; thinking about the importance of being unique and what their best qualities are; and sharing the story of Giraffes Can't Dance and the importance of achieving goals - they could create a Vision Board of what they want to achieve in the coming year.
Thank you for supporting your child over the last few months. We would all like to wish you a happy, safe and fun-filled Summer holiday!
Love from Miss Alexander, Mrs Iceton & Miss Wynd xxx
Week 6
Summer Term B
We hope you are all doing well and keeping warm in this chilly, wet weather! We are hoping to see an improvement next week... The learning for the week beginning 06.07.20 has a very cheerful theme - Celebrations! There are some really lovely learning activities for your child to engage with. They can enjoy the story of Kipper's Birthday; find out the months of the year, order them and check when family members have their birthdays; they could write a diary entry for a favourite celebration and design a menu for a special family celebration. On the creative side they could make a card for a loved one and plan a party with food, invitations and decorations. We are still missing you all but would love to see what you've been up to. As usual, please send any of your gorgeous photos to:
Maths worksheets and videos
Week 5
Summer Term B
Below are the links to this week's maths work. There is a worksheet and video for everyday.
This week we are looking at money. Why not see if your grown up has some coins that you could count or set up a mini shop with your toys.
Have fun!
We hope you have all enjoyed the gorgeous warm weather over the past week! Please find below the planning for the week beginning 29.06.20. The theme is definitely one of our favourites - Food! There are lots of fun activities for the children to do, such as: investigating and trying out recipes; finding stories with food in them, eg The Gingerbread Man; inventing a new school menu with some healthy choices; writing instructions for making toast or a sandwich; talking to family members to find out their favourite foods and using fruit and veg to print patterns. Have a great week and of course please email any of the children's fabulous work to us at:
Week 4 Overview
Summer Term B
Please find below the planning for the week beginning 22.06.20. The theme is Music, which we are sure lots of our children will enjoy! Some of the learning activities they can explore include: listening to classical music to see how it makes them feel; finding music words; exploring 2D and 3D shapes; finding out about famous musicians (it says from Birmingham but we think it would be great to find out about some of the famous musicians from Newcastle and around the North East); making music shakers; using body percussion and designing and making their own musical instrument. As usual we would love to see any photos that we could put on our website . Please send any to:
White Rose Maths
The below links take you to a daily maths lesson with an accompanying worksheet. The videos are great as they talk your child through their learning.
Worksheets and video links
Week 3 Around the World Home Learning Photos
Week 3 Overview
Summer Term B
Please find below our weekly planning for this week, beginning Monday 15th June. The theme for this week is 'Around the World', which has lots of interesting tasks to find out more about the world in which we live.
Some of these include: Finding and cooking/tasting a recipe from another country; looking at maps to see the countries that make up the UK and see where other countries are around the world; draw and describe different fruits from around the world; investigate different flags, dancing styles and food; find out some of the different ways people around the world say 'hello'; and create a leaflet about a place they have visited or would like to visit.
We love to see what our children have been learning! Please send any pictures of your child's work to:
Week 2 Significant People Home Learning Photos

Week 2 Overview
Summer Term B
Please see below for this week's planning based around Significant People. Your child might enjoy learning about Florence Nightingale and Mary Seacole who led the way in modern nursing and hygiene. They could compare the lives of Queen Elizabeth I and Queen Elizabeth II. Your child can draw and write about the significant people in their own lives, and investigate some famous inventors. We always look forward to seeing any photos of the children's models, artwork and writing! Please send any to:
Week 1 Rainforest Home Learning Photos

Week 1 Overview
Summer Term B
We hope all of our children and families are staying safe and well, and that you enjoyed the lovely weather over half term.
Please see below for this week's home learning project, based on the topic of The Rainforest. We are sure the children will find lots of these activities interesting! They could make a sock puppet; find out about foods that come from the rainforest; find and make a recipe that includes chocolate (we'll definitely be doing that one!); create a fact file about a rainforest animal; halving and quartering shapes and different foods; and a chance to get creative and make a forest floor model.
As always, please send any pictures of your child's work to: so we can put it on the website! We love seeing what you have been up to
As it is half term, in line with many schools we will not be setting home learning for the children.
However, we have found some links which may be useful for keeping children busy during this time! Please see below:
Lego Games with videos and activities:
Artful Parent provides creative activities to do with the children at home:
Nature activities from The Woodland Trust for families in their homes and gardens:
Week 6 Overview
Summer Term A
Please find below our latest home learning project for the coming week, this time based around the theme of 'Sport'.
There are lots of fun learning tasks, including drawing and describing your favourite storybook hero; finding a healthy recipe and making it at home (with adult help!); playing board games such as Snakes and Ladders; designing a medal and a family mascot, and creating an obstacle course.
Please send any pictures of what you do to: and we will put them on the website. Thank you to all those of you who have already sent pictures in, it is lovely to see what the children have been doing.
Home Learning

Well done Sam! We love your sea themed bookmark!
Please send us photos of your creations and what you have been up to.
Week 5 Overview
Summer Term A
VE Day Celebrations
Take part in the 75th anniversary celebrations for VE day on 8th May with this fantastice VE day resource pack. There is everything you need in this pack, such as Union Jack bunting, colouring pages, writing borders, wartime recipe booklet, medal designing and fun glider crafts, to inspire children to explore the history behind VE day.
Week 4 Overview
Summer Term A
Week 3 Overview
Summer Term A
Please see below for some useful home learning links, including the BBC Bitesize daily lessons and Oak National Academy online learning. Both of these resources are backed by the government, definitely worth a look, and you can choose the correct school year for age appropriate learning.

Easter Home Learning Challenges
We hope all of our children and families are staying safe and keeping well during lockdown.
Mr MingStones has written a letter to the children, it can be found in the Latest News section of the website. Please have a look if you have not yet seen it.
In line with many other schools, we will not be setting any home learning tasks for the two weeks' duration of the Easter holidays.
We hope that you can relax at home with your family and get some exercise. Let's hope for some warmer weather!
We know that many families have been putting rainbows in their windows as a show of support for NHS workers. As many of our Y1 children enjoy arts and crafts, we have found a link for some lovely rainbow themed crafts that they might enjoy. Please find it here:
If you can encourage your child to read, and share stories with them during this time, this will help them greatly when they do return to school. A family movie night can help too, especially if you talk about the characters and what happens in the story.
We will be posting more home learning tasks at the end of the Easter holidays so that your children can continue to learn at home from the week beginning 20th April.
Easter Card Competition!
Please check the Latest News section of the website for details of our WDPS Easter Card Competition! There are 4 age categories.
Closing dates for entries is Friday 10th April. Have fun creating and good luck!
Great home learning! Well done Sam and Michael.
Week 2 Overview
Spring Term B
Week 1 Overview
Spring Term B
Watch a daily Read Write Inc. Phonics lesson
Read Write Inc. are streaming a daily speed sounds film which will be available for 24 hours via FB and on YouTube. Parents can sign up to either their Facebook page or their YouTube channel. Set 2 and 3 speed sounds are taught in Year 1.
Speed Sounds Set 2 - 10.00 am
Speed Sounds Set 3 - 10.30 am
- Set 2 Speed Sounds: ay ee igh ow oo oo ar or air ir ou oy
- Set 3 Speed Sounds: ea oi a–e i–e o–e u–e aw are ur er ow ai oa er ire ear ure
We hope that our children and families are staying safe and well during this difficult time.
Please keep checking the website where we will be putting up new resources for learning each week.