Summer Term B
Week 3
The children have had a really busy week this week. On Monday they built bug hotels in the bushcraft area. The bugs who check into these hotels will be very lucky, they have escalators, receptions desks, there was no limit to the creativity.
On Wednesday the children were exceptional ambassadors for WDPS when we visited The Laing Art Gallery, a trip kindly organised by Miss Jenks. The children made some thoughtful observations of an abstract sculpture by Henry Moore, they created human group sculptures and then made their own sculptures. Victoria, the artist, from the Laing was very impressed with their work, as are we. We hope they are displayed at home in a prime position.
The children are continuing to work on their phonics and their extended writing as well as their time telling. They have begun a History topic this we looking at ‘Who is the greatest history maker?
Bug Hotels
Our Laing Art Gallery Trip
Week 2
The children have been working hard learning to tell the time this week. Please ask them the time when you are at home. They have enjoyed being scientists testing materials to see which ones are waterproof.
Playing time dominoes
Which material is waterproof?
Week 1
The children have enjoyed being back at school. They enjoyed going on a materials hunt around school.