Autumn A
Week 8
CVC Matching
The children worked hard to match pictures to the correct word by sounding out each sound and blending them together.

Science Experiment
This week we all became mad scientists and made a reaction using bicarbonate of soda and vinegar. The acid in the vinegar broke up the bicarbonate of soda, this created a bubbling reaction where carbon dioxide bubbles bubbled over the top of our pumpkin pot.
In reception this week we had some visitors. Wizard Rob told us the story of 'Zoo on the Broom'. He also brought the animals in the story into the classroom to show the children. We were allowed to hold and stroke some of the animals. We had so much fun.
Supertato Night of the Veg
The classroom was in trouble as the evil peas escaped from Supertato's grasp. We were challenged to help Supertato catch the peas using tweezers, however we needed to ensure we did not squash them whilst counting them back into their pots. This developed our fine motor skills that we need to help with our writing.
Pumpkin Art
We decorated our pumpkin in class with different sized spots made from a variety of materials. We took inspiration from the artist Yayoi Kusama.
Halloween Fun
I was so frightened when I opened the door to the children. The children had turned into spooky characters ready for their Halloween party. We all had so much fun showing our costumes off in a special Halloween catwalk and burning our energy dancing at the disco.
Have a SPOOKTACULAR week off.
Class Halloween Party
Monster Face Crafts
Week 7
Pumpkin Soup
Our Reception children have had opportunities to explore, play, cook and even taste pumpkins. We were inspired by our story for the week called "Pumpkin Soup" by Helen Cooper. Every day the characters, Squirrel, Duck and Cat slice up a pumpkin from their pumpkin patch, stir in some water and salt to make the perfect pumpkin soup… until the day the animals want to swap jobs! A funny, rhythmic traditional tale that was perfect for our Autumn topic.
Investigating Pumpkins
The children loved getting their hands dirty. They pulled out all the seeds and described what it felt like. The children then used their phonic skills to hear sounds and write describing words.
Making Pumpkin Soup
Chef Matthews came into Reception Red Room to make pumpkin soup with the children, it had the classroom smelling amazzzzzing!

The Witch’s Kitchen
The class have enjoyed dressing up and making spooky potions in our witch’s kitchen.
More Than and Fewer Than
This week the children have been learning about comparing quantities of objects.
We used stem sentences:
____ has more than ____ , ____ has fewer than ___ or they are both equal.
Number 4
This week the children have been looking at the number 4. We investigated the different shapes that Numberblock 4 could make. We used paint to stamp the patterns.

Coming to England
It has been another wonderful week of learning for our Reception children. We had a mixed topic week to celebrate Black History and the joys of Autumn.
We loved listening to a storyteller share how Floella came to Britain on a ship named Empire Windrush. It is a true story about a girl who lived in Trinidad and moved to England with her family. The children thought about how would they feel being in a strange place and people not welcoming them.
Week 6
This week the children have been using their segmenting skills to write CVC words. They looked at spooky pictures and 'Fred talked' to spell.

PE - Castle
This week in PE the children completed an obstacle course to get to the King's castle. The children completed obstacles that developed their balance, co-ordination and strength.
Repeating Patterns
This week the children investigated and created repeating patterns using objects in the classroom. We also created patterns using actions such as 'stamp, clap, stamp, clap'.
Week 5
Leaf Man
This week the children have been creating their own 'Andy Goldsworthy' transient art using natural materials from our bushcraft area. The children really enjoyed making their own leaf people using different coloured leaves and pinecones.
After creating their own leaf people the children used their phonic knowledge and segmenting skills to write descriptions of their artwork.

Comparing Weight
The children explored the weight of objects within the classroom. They used the scales to determine which object was heavier or lighter.
The children have continued to develop their knowledge of numbers. This week we sorted pictures into groups containing either 1 or 2 objects.
Mathematical Provision
PE- Mythical Creatures
In PE this week we became Unicorns, dragons and fairies. We moved around the hall using our knowledge of space whilst listening for instruction such as freeze. The children began to develop their hand eye co-ordination by passing a beanbag from hand to hand, around their body and under their legs.
Week 4
Signs of Autumn
Reception looked for signs of Autumn in bushcraft. We found hazelnuts, sycamore seeds, fir cones, acorns and conkers. They sorted the Autumn treasures into sets and carefully broke opened the conker casings.
How Will You Sort Your Buttons?
In Maths we have been looking at different ways to group buttons. We looked at grouping them into shape, colour, size and number of holes. The children all had a go of making their own group and guessing their partners rule.
This week in music, the children have continued to learn and practise new songs. Our newly learned songs have been developing the children's confidence in using their speaking and singing voices through rehearsing .
Room on the Broom Story Ordering
This week we have started to creep into spooky season by reading "Room on the Broom" by Julia Donaldson. The children have enjoyed listening to the rhyming words and joining in with the repetition of 'Whoosh' throughout the story. Everyone was amazing at ordering the story by identifying which animals came onto the broom in the correct order. The children continued to develop their fine motor skills by using scissors to cut out the characters.
Writing Sounds
The children can now hear some sounds in simple CVC words. The children are beginning to write recognisable letters.

Room on the Broom Role Play
Week 3
Walking Through the Jungle
We’ve been reading "Walking Through the Jungle" by Julie Lacome. This repeating story was great for retelling from start to finish, as we recalled the ‘action words’ used throughout the story: walking, running, leaping, swinging, creeping and wading.
In our writing we mad a list of the animals from the story, listening carefully to the initial sounds. In phonics we have been linking sounds to letters and some children are beginning to use these letters in their writing.
We've been learning to recognise our name, match the letters and then sequence them.
Ordering Our Name
Matching and Sorting
The children have begun to develop their logical thinking by matching and sorting objects into groups.
Matching Objects
Making Matching Sets
Reception found objects that match and are the same. We then guessed the sorting rule and grouped objects into sets.
Reception have enjoyed learning some new songs this week. We have started to develop our listening skills and kept a steady beat using body percussion. The children were brilliant and we can't wait for next week.
PE - Witches and Wizards
In PE the children have be learning how to move safely and sensibly in a space with consideration of others. The children became witches and wizards and created a potion by suggesting things to put in before mixing it. Once we put everything in the cauldron, we mixed our potion by moving around in a circle and changing directions ensuring we didn't bump into anyone.
Week 2
This week we have been thinking about ourselves and what makes us special. We shared the gorgeous book "We Are All Different" before discussing and comparing our hair, eye and skin colours. We painted our own portraits while carefully looking at our facial features in a mirror.
Attendance Award
Well done Reception Red Room! We won the trophy for our super attendance this week 99.49%. This means we can look forward to a treat afternoon next week. Keep up the hard work and we can enjoy more treat days. Have a great weekend and I will look forward to hearing all about it on Monday.
Touch Counting
Reception have been watching the 'Ten Town' character stories this week in maths. The children have enjoyed meeting the characters. We have also begun to develop our touch counting by identifying a numeral and collecting the corresponding amount of objects.
Week 1
The First Day
My delightful new Reception class have settled into school life seamlessly! Here they are enjoying their first week. We have been learning routines and how to use the classroom equipment. They explored the indoor and outdoor environments, stayed for lunch and have been making new friends. All of the children have settled in very well and I am looking forward to a fun filled year! Have a look at some of the things we have been up to ...
In Reception we balance adult led activities and child initiated play. Through adult led activities we can introduce children to new ideas and provide opportunities for them to develop their skills. During play children explore their own ideas, learn how to use resources and use imagination and creativity.