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West Denton Primary School

‘A Stepping Stone into the Future’

Summer Term A

Week 6

This week we had a ‘Magic Box’ mysteriously delivered to school and it had some strange and unusual things inside, like the fire from the nostrils of a Chinese dragon. The children wrote their own ideas of what they would put inside their own magic box. Their ideas were super, some were so good that I had to send them to show Mr MingStones, who was very impressed. In art they enjoyed colour mixing and they can tell you which colours to use to make certain colours. 

Week 5

The children have enjoyed another great week, they have produced booklets about Kenya. 

Week 4

This week the children have begun a Geography topic. They have been learning the names of the 7 continents and 5 oceans. They enjoyed playing a 'Continent Beetle Drive'. Why not ask them to teach you the song. The Seven Continents Song | Silly School Songs - YouTube


Well done to this weeks achievers:

Evie Writer of the Week for a great tear thief character description. 

Alexis Head Teachers Accolade for good progress and a great attitude towards her work. 

Michael Reader of the Week for great expression and fluency.

Joey Positive Attitude for always giving 100% and having lovely manners.

Louie Learner of the Week for an increased confidence when sharing ideas with the class. 

Neveah Learner of the Week for improving her literacy work and her handwriting. 

Week 3

Another busy week in Year 2. The children enjoyed finding mini beasts in micro habitats, they have completed their African Leopard report and worked hard on The Tear Thief. 
In bushcraft, they had great big smiles on their faces as they worked as a team to move the bark into the allotment area. It was super to see them discussing the ways they were filling their buckets and helping each other. 

Finding mini beasts and micro habitats


African Leopard Reports

Week 2 

The children have worked hard this week writing their non chronological reports on African Leopards. Look back next week to see their final version. 

In Maths they have been looking at equal and unequal groups. 

In Science we have been learning about different types of habitats and exploring them to see which minibeasts live there.

Week 1

The children have had a super week back after the Easter holidays, it has been lovely to hear their holiday news too. 
We have had a busy first week back. We have been on number hunts, had street dance and been in the bush craft area to a name a few of our activities. 

Street dance
