Spring Term A
Week 5
This week has been a week of hard work as we completed our assessments to see just how far we have progressed since Christmas. It took a lot of concentration to complete some really challenging tasks. As usual, we rose to the challenge to and gave it our very best.
There has been still time to have fun with our learning however, and we enjoyed freeze framing our current class reader Pebble in My Pocket. It was super fun and deserving of an Oscar or two!
Super Readers!
Well done to the children who managed to get in the green zone for reading this week and of course a big thank you to their grown ups for supporting them at home!
It was lovely to see more names in the orange and green zone! However, the majority of children having read less than once this week and remain in the red zone. Please support your child with their reading at home as this is a life skill that will help develop every aspect of their learning.
Week 4
We've had such a busy week this week were all ready for the weekend. We began our new Active planet Geography topic this week. The children found out some fantastic facts about the inside of our planet and how this structure forms Volcanoes. We couldn't believe that there are 1,500 volcanoes on Earth!
In maths we have been fraction fiends learning how to find fractions of amounts to solve fraction word challenges. We also developed our skills even further adding and subtracting fractions and using inverse operations to do so.
Super Readers!
Well done to the children who managed to get in the green zone for reading this week and of course a big thank you to their grown ups for supporting them at home!
Unfortunately there weren't as many as usual this week, with the majority of children having read less than once this week. Please support your child with their reading at home as this is a life skill that will help develop every aspect of their learning.
Week 3
This week we enjoyed some outdoor learning with Mrs McHatton in the Bush Craft area. We explored the area and used the natural resources we found to build dens. It was a bit chilly but this didn't dampen our spirits.
Week 2
This week we began our new class reader Pebble in My Pocket which is linked to our geography topic about volcanoes and our active planet. We used the book as stimulus to write some super poems about the journey of the pebble. The children produced some fabulous examples of descriptive writing including similes, metaphors and personification. Who would have though a pebble could create such fabulous imagery in the children's heads.
Week 1
After a fun packed Christmas we returned to school ready to learn lots of new things.
This week we started a new Science topic Animals and their habitats. So far we have learned what vertebrates and invertebrates are in during animal classification. We then went on to sort vertebrates into the categories of mammals, birds, fish, reptiles and amphibians. We encountered some new animals we had never seen before. We also learned that even though the duckbilled platypus lays eggs, it is actually a mammal!