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West Denton Primary School

‘A Stepping Stone into the Future’

Autumn B

Week 7 




The children went to visit Santa in Bushcraft and shared their Christmas wish with him. He was very pleased with all the children and loved their festive singing.

Christmas Dinner

The whole school were treated to a turkey dinner with all the trimmings this week. It was delicious!

 It's Party Time!

What an exciting day it has been. Dancing, party food and prizes to be won can it get any better than that?

Christmas Writing 

The children used their phonics knowledge to write CVC labels. They were great at hearing the sounds and identifying the correct letter formation to write. 

Week 6 


This week in Maths the children have been naming and finding shapes around our classroom by identifying how many sides and edges they have. 

 Santa Sleigh Rocket Experiment 

It was great fun to explore how we could change the travel distance and speed of our Santa sleighs during our experiment. The children were able to identify that we need more air in the balloon to make the sleigh travel further across the classroom. 


I think you would all agree that the children were absolutely fab-u-lous in our school Nativity this year. The children worked so hard to learn all the words to our songs and looked so cute in their costumes. 

Designing Our Own Christmas Jumpers

It was lovely to see such an array of different Christmas jumpers on display today. We even decided to design our own. Look out Vivian Westwood!

Week 5

 The Gingerbread Man

This week we have enjoyed listening to and retelling the traditional tale of "The Gingerbread Man".  The children were very excited to make their own gingerbread person by following instructions, carefully measuring and mixing ingredients from a recipe. 

 Making Gingerbread Men

The children thought about how the characters were feeling in the story and what they might say.  Reception then wrote a speech bubble for the Gingerbread Man or sly Fox.  We have been practicing leaving finger spaces between words.

Rockin Around the Christmas Tree

Reception class have been practising for our performance. We all decorated our class Christmas tree whilst listening to some Christmas music.

Numberbonds of 5 

This week we have been exploring the different ways of making 5. We played a game throwing bean bags into a hoop and looked at the 2 parts that make a whole. We used the STEM sentence __ is a part and __ is a part and the whole is 5.

Week 4

 Don't Hog the Hedge!

We read the story "Don't Hog the Hedge" and discussed how Hattie The Hedgehog had been very kind to the other animals, who wanted to share her cosy hedge.  She was a kind and caring friend.

The animals in the story were getting ready to hibernate for the Winter.  Reception helped Hattie write a hibernating checklist.


The children have enjoyed exploring oil pastels and printing techniques this week to make hedgehog artwork.

 Stampoline Patterns for 5

Reception printed their own 5 patterns and used spatial language to describe it.

 Bushcraft Exploration

After wrapping up warm we ventured out into the bushcraft area.  We explored the mud kitchen, fairy garden, digging pits, dens, giant scales and crawling tubes.

Week 3

 Oi Frog

The children loved reading the book "Oi Frog" by Kes Gray this week.  They had a good giggle at flea's sitting on peas and dogs sitting on frogs and loved making up some of their own versions.​  We practised our rhyming skills while matching rhyming picture pairs.

Caption Writing

Parts and Whole

This week the children have been learning about 'part' and 'whole.' We have looked at toys with different parts and even different body parts.  The children learnt that all the parts together make a whole.  We then moved onto making sets of 2 and 3. They learnt that 1 and 2 are parts of 3. Below is a link to the Numberblocks episode that explores 'part' and 'whole'

As part of mastery maths this week the focus is how parts make a whole.  One of our continuous provision challenges was to complete a jigsaw, with the emphasis on how all the parts of a puzzle make a whole.

Week 2

 Rosie's Walk

Our story of the week is "Rosie's Walk" by Pat Hutchins.  We took an aerial photo of our group story maps.  We used position words and the maps to retell the story in the correct order.

 Theo and the Velvet Onesies

Reception were fascinated to learn children had to sleep underground during the war to stay safe in London.  We found out that the prime minister Winston Churchill's siren suit was the original onesie!  The children used loose parts to make their own poppy designs. 

 Lest We Forget

Reception observed the two minute silence on Remembrance Day.  We watched the Cbeebies animation 'Poppies' and talked about how the rabbit was feeling. 

Colour and Cut Poppies

 Children in Need

Thank you to all the families who have helped us to support Children in Need once again this year, by sending their children in non-uniform and giving donations to help raise £366.35 in total.  What a fab day we have had, and we raised money for a great cause at the same time!  The children enjoyed making their own Pudsey bear headbands. 


Reception listened to a story about Dipal and his family celebrating the Diwali festival of light.  As part of our finger challenges this week we created mehndi hand patterns.

Week 1

 Bonfire Night

This week the class have shared their stories about Bonfire Night. We watched a video of a firework display and used our phonics knowledge to write what we had seen and heard. We read the story "Sparks in the Sky" and learned how to keep safe during firework displays.  

 Firework Class Collage

The children loved developing their fine motor skills by drawing shapes and patterns with bright colours to make our own firework display.  Can you spot a spinning Catherine wheel or an exploding rocket?

 5 Little Peas

This week the children have been using the song 'Five Little Peas' when looking at the number 5.  They have been making collections of 5 using a hand template and then a die frame. The children soon realised that if you put two die frames together there are 10 in total - "5 and another 5 make 10 altogether".

 PE - Fireworks

In PE we listened to a piece of music and the sounds of fireworks. We described the sounds we could hear and created our own movements to go with the sounds. We wiggled for crackle, a star jump for bang and a spin for whizz. Once we had warmed up, we used ribbons to recreate the movements of the fireworks. We waved them up high, down low, in a circle and even wrote our names in front of ourselves. We had so much fun. 
