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West Denton Primary School

‘A Stepping Stone into the Future’

Summer Term A

Week 6

Stars of the Week


Well done to the following children this week who have received certificates.

Learner of the week- Maddie

Mathematician of the week-Harry

Positive attitude of the week- Lia

Writer of the week- Jacob

Reader of the week- Owen

Week 6

In the last of term the children have been getting ready for half term.  In Art they have worked in groups to create a temporary sculpture using objects from nature.  In Geography we have continued to learn about the impact we have on the habitats on and around the seaside, including rockpools and the seashore.  In Maths we have been halving shapes and amounts.  On Tuesday the class enjoyed a well deserved treat from Mr MingStones, for their hard work and good behaviour during the Ofsted visit.   

Week 5

Stars of the Week


Well done to the following children this week who have received certificates.

Learner of the week- Macie-Leigh

Mathematician of the week-Daisy

Positive attitude of the week- Theo

Writer of the week- Malik

Reader of the week- Dolcie

Week 5

This week the children have been learning to tell the time using o'clock, half past, quarter past and quarter to.  They have also been sharing amounts into equal groups.  In English the class have been describing the forest from the story of Hansel and Gretel as well as describing the cruel evil witch.  In Geography the class have been looking at the physical and human features of the seaside.  In Art we have printed in the style of Orla Kiely using leaves.  We also enjoyed some time on the field playing games and letting off some steam.  


Week 4

Stars of the Week


Well done to the following children this week who have received certificates.

Learner of the week- Octavia

Mathematician of the week-Sean

Positive attitude of the week- Sophia

Writer of the week- Mason

Reader of the week- Lacey

Week 4

The children have worked incredibly hard this week. In English they completed their story about Hansel and Gretel.  In Maths we have been creating arrays and doubling numbers.  In Art the children created a temporary sculpture in the bush craft area from natural objects.  In Science we investigated the cress seeds we planted and controlled the conditions of each batch of seeds, including sunlight, water and soil.  In Geography the class are starting to look at different kinds of locations including coast, rural and urban areas and looking at the human and physical features. On Friday the children took their germinated bean  seeds to the school allotment and planted them.

Week 3

Stars of the Week


Well done to the following children this week who have received certificates.

Learner of the week- Ben

Mathematician of the week-Kacey

Positive attitude of the week- Miley

Writer of the week- Charlie

Reader of the week- Nathan

Week 3

In English this week the children have written their own version of the Hansel and Gretel story.  In Maths we have been investigating arrays, counting the amount in each row and adding each row together.  In Science we have answered the question, how do trees survive in winter.  The beans have germinated in the window of the classroom and the children can see the roots and the first shoot sprouting from their bean.  On Thursday the children enjoyed a whole school coronation celebration, creating crowns, flags, singing the national anthem and an ice cream treat.  

Week 2

Stars of the Week


Well done to the following children this week who have received certificates.

Learner of the week- Sean

Mathematician of the week-Jacob

Positive attitude of the week- Maddie

Writer of the week- Ali

Reader of the week- Eli

Week 2

In class this week the children have been planning their own version of Hansel and Gretel, recording their story mountain and changing the main characters in the story.  In Maths the children have been counting in steps of 2,5,and 10.  In Art the class did observational drawings of objects found in nature.  On Tuesday Mrs McHatton organised a ground force day and the parents came into to move the soil and help plant up the herb garden in the outdoor area.  On Thursday they took part in an experiment  and planted cress seeds and changed the conditions each pot of cress seeds.  This included one with no light, one with no water, one inside the class and one in the out door area. The children made predictions on which seeds would germinate and grow into healthy cress.  

Week 1

Stars of the Week


Well done to the following children this week who have received certificates.

Learner of the week- Amelia

Mathematician of the week-Owen

Positive attitude of the week- Harry

Writer of the week- Mason

Reader of the week- Marni

Week 1

The children have come back refreshed and full of energy.  They have started a new topic in Art linked to nature, they have enjoyed sculpting natural objects using clay and adding detail using the tools.  In English we have started a new book, Hansel and Gretel by Anthony Browne.  In Science we are investigating plants and the children are going to be monitoring the bean seeds to see them germinate in the classroom.  They have also labelled the structure of a plant and seed. 
