Spring Term A
Week Six
We are now half way through this academic year and where has it gone?
The children have been geographers this week. They have been examining the effects of climate change in different countries across the globe from bush fires in Australia to flooding in the Uk and the warming of the seas around Greenlond. Finally the children looked at ways of reducing climate change and what is already being done across the world.
The children have become budding pen pals this week as they have written to the children at TTSA in Amsterdam and we cannot wait for their replies.
On Wednesday the children had their attendance treat as they have completed 'Our perfect attendance' The children were treated to a film and popcorn linked to a Literacy text which we covered earlier in the year.
I would like to take this opportunity to wish a relaxing and safe half term. School reopens to children on Tuesday 28th February.
Best wishes
Miss Croll

Week Five
This week we have been getting to grips with databases. The children investigated and interrogated an alien database before creating their own about our class. The children created their own avatar and then populated the different fields with information.
Week Four
Well the children have finished their art topic all about impressionism. It has been a joy to see their paint mixing skills and technique coming on leaps and bounds; they even had a limited pallet when looking at Monet's Haystacks and they had to choose a season in which to paint them. Finally we created a group painting in this style but you will have to wait till next week for the unveiling.
Mrs, Barr has been getting to grips with friction in Science where the children were investigating difference surfaces and relating this to real life.
Mr, Mather also delivered his second session of the ABC programme exploring antisocial behaviour and consequences.
Week Three
Well the children have been very creative this week as we have been exploring Impressionism and looking at the art work of Claud Monet. After looking at many examples of impressionist painters, we put brush to paper to create our first attempts at painting in this style.
Also Year 5 loved our Dogs Trust assembly and workshop.
The children have been looking at the past perfect tense in relation to our class text. The children had completed several sentences our the watertower from the story.
Have a lovely weekend.
Miss Croll
Week Three in Photos
Week One and Two
Welcome back and a Happy New Year to you all.
Much of the first two weeks has been taken up with the children swimming each afternoon. It has been a joy to see how much progress the children have made in such a short space of time.
In Maths we are focusing on fractions and in English we have start a great text called The Watertower be Gary Crew.