Spring Term A
Week 7
We have finally made it to the end of this half term and we have packed so much into our 4 day week. Some of the class have been away at Robin Wood and they have had a fantastic time , if not a little tired.
While they were away, the rest of Phase 3 watched 'The Man Who Planted Trees' and we wrote about the story, went into the bush craft area and did lots of tree rubbings as well as carrying out some observational drawings about trees.
On Wednesday, Mr. Mather was in for his final ABC session, where the children tried on police uniforms and looked at the different equipment they use on a daily basis. The children were very enthusiastic.
Have a lovely half term and remember, school reopens on Tuesday 01.03.22.
Kind regards
Miss Croll
Week 6
The children have been learning all about the Maya people this week and what the different buildings were used for.
In English, the children were looking at 'A Beginner Guide to Life on Earth' and they each had a section which they had to precis the section and and the we filmed their presentations. There are so many interesting facts - I hope you learned as much as I did.
Presentation 1
Presentation 2
Presentation 3
Presentation 4
Week 5
The children have had a busy week completing mid year assessments and they have all worked very hard.
The children have been learning all about the Maya and developing their historical skills.
Today the children have been planting onions and also using their knot tying skills to create a key ring. This afternoon the children have been working with Mr. Mather looking at how committing crime can seriously effect you life.
Have a relaxing weekend.
Kind regards
Miss Croll
Week 5 in Photos
Week 4
This week Year 5 have been developing their life skills and in particular first aid.
Week 3
Well the Year 5 children have finished their swimming lessons and the improvement has been a joy to see. A shout out to all parents and carers for getting kit dried and ready for the next day - thank you!!!! The children have been a credit to you and many of them have mastered this vital life skill; the rest are well on their way so keep swimming!
The children have also been out with Mrs. McHatton on Tuesday.
On Thursday the children had a chance to meet the Dutch children who are working with WDPS on the Turing Scheme and Year 5 told them all about WDPS. The other school asked lots of questions and their English was much better than our Dutch. Over the coming weeks the all of Year 5 will be working with the children developing their communication skills so watch this space!
We finished off the week with Mr. Mather with ABC followed by Feel Good Friday Rocksteady Music.
I think the children will sleep well this weekend.
Kind regards
Miss Croll
Week 3 in Photos
Week 2
What an exciting week as the Year 5s have been swimming every afternoon. We are certainly getting our monies worth as the children are in the pool for one and a half hours. To see the progression they are making is awesome. Hopefully next week will be easier as the children's fitness will improve and their swimming stamina too.
On Tuesday we had The Happy Puzzle Company and the children really enjoyed working in teams to solve a plethora of puzzles.
We finished off the week with more swimming and Mr. Mathers with ABC.
Have a relaxing weekend - the children wiil certainly need after all their efforts in the pool.
Miss Croll
Week 2 in Photos
Week 1
Happy New Year to you at the start of 2022!
We have had a jam-packed week so here goes.
In Maths, the children have been building on the work they did last term in multiplication and they have now progressed onto long multiplication. Homework this week is some multiplication calculations. Encourage the children to jot down the table they are timesing by before they begin.
The Maya is our new History focus and in English our class text is ‘The Beginners Guide to Life on Earth’ by Gill Arbuthnot.
Today, the children wowed us all when taking photographs from different perspectives and exploring different ways to see the world.
Finally, Year 5 had their first week of ABC with Mr. Mather, looking at why we have rules and laws.
Have a lovely weekend.