Summer Term A
Ofsted Ice Cream Treat! 🍦😋
Jane from the music service delivered a fun rhythm and rhyme session.

Week 6
Sam Plants a Sunflower
Reception enjoyed looking through this non-fiction book by Axel Scheffler and the National Trust. Sam loves big, yellow sunflowers and decides to plant his own seeds. We watched the seeds grow and loved the big sunflower pop-up surprise at the end. Reception used the helpful tips to plant their own seeds and write instructions.
How to plant a sunflower seed instructions 🌻
Planting sunflower seeds 🌻
Week 5
We were inspired by the story "Supertato" by Sue Hendra to make our own supehero and villain vegetables. Look at our amazing models!

Observational Drawings
Reception have enjoyed using watercolour pencils to create observational drawings of flowers as part of our growing topic.
Brilliant Blooms
The children have continued their work on numbers to 10 this week. They have used the staircase pattern and pictures representing the numbers to help them put the numerals in the correct order. We talked about the staircase pattern and played a 'mystery number' game to focus on 1 more than and 1 less than.
Making Numbertracks

Plan to Play Fun
Printing Staircase Patterns

Week 4
Whatever Next!
Reception have enjoyed a space themed week inspired by the Jill Murphy story “Whatever Next!”. The children used props to act out the story. We have been practising how to use a capital letter, finger spaces and a full stop when writing sentences.

Super Star Sentences 🤩
Space Enhancements 🚀👩🚀🪐👽
The Planets
Reception listened to the opposing music compositions Mars and Venus from Gustav Holst’s “The Planets”. We moved and drew shapes in response to the angry and then relaxing music.
Furious Mars 😡
Calm Venus ☺️😴
5 and a 'bit'
Reception have been using dice frames to represent quantities to 10, paying particular attention to arrangements showing 8 and 9.
Week 3
The King's Pants
Reception have been reading about the King’s pants this week! What a disaster, he had lost his favourite pants.
This week the children have enjoyed learning all about King Charles ahead of the coronation this Saturday. We have been getting busy with lots of different coronation themed activities, from creating jewelled crowns, wrapping wool to make Union Jack sticks and enjoying afternoon tea in our role play area.

Number bonds to 5
This week the children have been looking at number 5, using the rhyme '5 Little Kittens'. They have been looking at the different ways of making 5 and using this knowledge to work out how many kittens were hiding under the bed. We used dice frames to count out larger numbers, noting a '5 and a bit' pattern.
Week 2
We have been looking at the story "Peepo!" by Janet and Allan Ahlberg. A story set in the 1940's which looks at what a baby can see as they look around their family home. We enjoyed comparing some of the rooms in the story, to what our houses and rooms look like now. We saw record players, radios and toilets that were very different from what we are used to! The children enjoyed exploring household items from the past.
We have been learning about the 'festival of the breaking of the fast' that marks the end of Ramadan. Ramadan is a month long holiday when Muslims fast, or go without food and drinks during daylight. During Eid al-fitr Muslims go to the mosque, have a feast with their families and give money to charity. Reception made Eid cards, mehndi and mosque pictures using paint on the iPads. Thank you to Isaac for our sweet Eid treats.
Week 1
Beamish Trip
Reception enjoyed a trip to Beamish open air museum this week. We explored the pitman’s cottages and were very surprised to find there was no toilet, just a pot under the bed! The children went to the old school house and found it very different to our classroom at school. We sat in rows, wrote letters on slate and the teacher was very strict. The children all had a try of hoop rolling in the school yard which proved to be trickier to use than we thought!
Reception class also visited the main town and the children got to see how the richer people would have lived. We had a look around lots of buildings including the grocery shop, dentist, bank and sweet shop. The grocery shop very different to Morrison's we visited in our local area. Blue room loved riding on the old fashioned open top bus and the tram.
It was a super day and the photographs show all the fun in action!
This week, the eggs arrived. We were so lucky to watch the chicks hatch during the school day. Reception are looking after them; giving them food and water every day and cuddles. They are so fluffy and small!

Little Red Hen
The children have enjoyed looking at the journey that the 'Little Red Hen' took to make her delicious bread. To show the children the process of making bread we turned our classroom into a bakery and made our own delicious bread buns using yeast. The children discussed if they would have shared their bread with the characters in the story.
Grind the Wheat

Mix, Knead and Roll the Dough
Reception listened to different versions of the traditional tale "The Little Red Hen". They made their own story maps to retell the story.