Autumn Term B
Week 7
The children have had a wonderful last week of term. They thoroughly enjoyed seeing Santa and drinking their delicious hot chocolate around the fire. They have been really busy making lots of Christmas crafts, some of which were a bit tricky and took lots of patience and perseverance.
We wish all the children and their families a happy and safe Christmas and we look forward to seeing them all in the new year.
Week 6
The children and staff had a wonderful time at their Christmas Party!
Week 5
The children had a wonderful time in the bushcraft area making hot chocolate in kelly kettles.
Week 4
The children have worked really hard, they enjoyed playing maths games.
Week 3
The children have had a great week this week! They especially enjoyed their trip to the cinema. This week they enjoyed learning about the life cycle of a frog.
Week 2
We are delighted with the number of children logging on to Doodle maths. Please encourage your child to log on every day and complete a task. Each week we will be rewarding children with certificates if they have been on 5 times in a week.
The children have been enjoying their science this week, we are exploring animals including humans. They enjoyed sorting a selection of animals into their own groupings and giving reasons for their choices. We have learnt the 6 different animal groups. Ask your child if they can remember them, I bet they can!
Week 2 Achievers and Top Doodlers
Week 1
The children have had a great start to the term. We have been discussing Bonfire night and they have written some wonderful poems. They have been learning different strategies in Maths for addition and calculation. We are also looking at internet safety.