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West Denton Primary School

‘A Stepping Stone into the Future’

Head Teacher Blog - 02-10-20

Dear families,


Thank you for helping  us to keep our children, staff and family members safe by choosing to wear a face covering on the school yard. 


It gives me a great deal of personal satisfaction to have created the unique WDPS Life Skills Challenge Award as our children are benefitting from activities that promote their positive mental health and wellbeing. This week Y5/6 developed their fine motor and speaking and listening skills and demonstrated resilience when weaving a shield from  willow and wool. They have continued to work on their flint and fire steel skills and have started to use potato peelers for whittling. Our Reception children have demonstrated creativity and they have had fun exploring and looking for mini beasts. They also developed confidence, improved their gross motor, speaking and listening skills and showed resilience and patience. Check out their faces on our Twitter page as they savour the delights of fruit kebabs! 


Our children have also developed stamina on 2 wheels as they competed in a 'Snail Race' on the pop up grass velodrome on the school field. Others developed their MTB skills on the hardcore WDPS Running and Mountain Bike Trail. It is a pleasure for me that WDPS students enjoy these rich opportunities  in curriculum time. 


Please follow us on our Twitter link at the bottom of the home page as we regularly post pictures of children enjoying stimulating learning experiences. Also, check your child's Class Page each Friday to see what they have been up to during the week. 


As you know at WDPS we promote healthy lives for all children and adults as we all benefit from positive time spent playing and exercising outdoors. Research shows that physical exercise is important for mental as well as physical wellbeing. Please encourage your family to spend quality time outdoors together as it is a lovely respite from screen time.


Improving Reading is a whole school priority focus as all children need the skills to conduct research and also to enjoy the creative pleasure of the written word. As a family enjoy reading some of the book reviews which you can access from the homepage: 'About Us' then 'WDPS-Whole School Focus.Let’s all work together to make every WDPS child a fluent, keen and resilient reader at home and at school.

Let’s make sure all our children receive the best wraparound support so that they achieve all that they are capable of in life.


Enjoy a fun and relaxing weekend.


Kind regards,


