COVID-19 Update - Friday 26th June
Dear Parents and Carers,
You will be well aware of government updated guidance recommended from 4th July 2020 and the loosening of lockdown restrictions. You will be pleased to know it has been indicated to schools that over the coming weeks the Department for Education will publish further information and guidance to help schools prepare for a full return in September. Whilst we do not know what this possible return will look like, we hope to pass on to you those details at the earliest opportunity.
The latest update on our wider school re-opening and for the children in school currently is as follows:
The most recent guidance from government continues to be that primary schools should continue to operate in groups of no more than 15. However, the Department for Education are encouraging primary heads to use the capacity they have and the flexibility to bring more groups of children back into school; if they can work within the protective measures. These protective measures indicate that it is still important to reduce contact between people as much as possible but also now emphasises that primary pupils do not need to be kept apart in the classroom. Our view is that we continue to work safely in those small groups 2 metres away from each other and while groups will be kept apart – parents of those children in school should be assured that brief, transitory contact is a very low risk.
Currently we have 3 Year 6 bubbles and 2 bubbles for children of key workers and for vulnerable children.
As I have indicated before, this is our first obligation and means we are not in a position to open more widely at this stage for Nursery, Reception and Year 1. The picture is similar across our Outer West Learning Trust (OWLT) depending on the circumstances of the school. Some schools have larger key worker and vulnerable children groups (like us) and cannot offer wider provision beyond Year 6 – whilst others with lower numbers of key workers and vulnerable children have younger pupils returning. Across the city most schools also have key workers, vulnerable, Y6 in school but also a mixed picture is evident across Early Years and Year 1.
We will also find out this coming week the potential for children safely attending holiday clubs. This is likely to be focused on play activities within the locality run by sports providers, community groups etc. Once again, I will let you know these plans as soon as possible before the end of term.
Remember that staff are uploading weekly activities for children on the Class Pages. Thanks to everyone for keeping us in touch with learning at home. It is lovely to see the smiling faces of our children and the well-appreciated work that they are doing with your help and guidance.
Kind regards,
Mick MingStones
Head Teacher