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West Denton Primary School

‘A Stepping Stone into the Future’

WDPS Allotments and Edible Playgrounds

At WDPS we believe that all children  should experience the joy of planting, caring for and harvesting their produce and then enjoy the pleasure of sampling healthy, fresh meals that they have created. We have worked hard to create out own allotments beds and an orchard that children take pride in caring for. As a result of our dedication to promoting healthy lifestyles, we have won a £30k Edible Playgrounds grant so that we can further develop an adjoining area of the school grounds into a bike-themed 'Edible Playground'. By instilling healthy eating habits at an early age, we are striving to tackle obesity, promote positive mental health and encourage all to adopt a healthy, productive, outdoor lifestyle. We are really looking forward to engaging the wider community in our Edible Playgrounds work. 