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West Denton Primary School

‘A Stepping Stone into the Future’

Summer Term A

Week 5

Learning through Play

Through play our Nursery children make sense of the world.  They develop problem solving skills, imagination, creativity, language, observation skills and concentration.

Week 4

 Living Eggs

This week, the eggs arrived.  Nursery were able to cuddle the baby chicks when they hatched. They were so fluffy and small!  

Week 3  Self Isolation Home Learning


Nursery looked for signs of Spring, decorated trees with blossom and made beautiful Spring inspired crafts.  The children listened to the traditional tale "The Enormous Turnip" and thought about what they would like to grow once we return to school.  In Maths we completed count and match challenges.  Look at the super costumes worn as part of the NSPCC's Number Day.

Week 2

 Stepping into Spring!


This week we did all things Spring.  In the Spring area the children could explore the compost and seeds.  In the waterplay they could make potions and perfumes with real flower heads.  We have seen some fantastic role-play in the Garden Centre using their communication skills and imagination.  The children got creative in the paint and collage, producing beautiful flowers and butterflies for our display.

We have had great fun in the hall in P.E, joining in with more ring games.  

Outside we got messy making our own chalk paints, crushing chalks in water and decorating the yard using brushes.

 Hedgehog Sculptures

Nursery had a wonderful time in bushcraft with Mrs McHatton.  We used clay to mould a hedhehog body and collected sticks to make prickles.  This will help us to strengthen our fingers and hold a pencil.

Week 1


Our topic in Nursery is growing.  We have been talking about what seeds need to grow.  We have been planting some peas and are excited to watch them change. Our role play area is transforming into a garden centre.  We have lots of fruit, vegetables, flowers and garden tools for sale. The shop will be open on Monday and we will be encouraging the children to write down orders, make lists and use money.  


The weather has been glorious this week and we have enjoyed lots of outdoor play in the mud kitchen and water play.  We encourage all parents to provide suncream to stay at Nursery and a sun hat.


We have begun to use the hall for P.E sessions and this week the children have participated in songs and ring games.  We would like all children to have a pair of sandshoes with their name in, to leave at Nursery for these sessions.

