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West Denton Primary School

‘A Stepping Stone into the Future’

Spring Term A

Week 6

The children have worked very hard on their assessments this week but have also enjoyed learning about Chinese New Year. They read and then rewrote the story of the Chinese Zodiac and made their own fantastic dragons. They also started having a go at using drawing ink to form the Chinese characters for the animals in the Zodiac. 

Week 2

This week we have been learning all about dilemmas through out class text The Kapock Tree. We were able to think about the dilema from the story and put ourselves in the shoes of the character and record how the dilemma would make the character would feel and how he could be torn from different directions about what the right thing to do was.

Stars of the Week

Head Teacher Accolade: Leila for a super start to 2022

Writer: Rosie

Mathematician: Macey

Reader: Louie and Mason

Positive Attitude: Luke

Learner: Archie 

Week 1

We all enjoyed sharing our Christmas stories this week when we returned to school. It seems everyone was on the nice list as Santa has delivered some fabulous presents to everyone. It was lovely to hear happy stories of family time together and days out and general happy Christmas experiences.
