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West Denton Primary School

‘A Stepping Stone into the Future’

Summer A

Week 3


In maths, we’ve been learning how to calculate angles in a triangle and how to use a projector. In English, we wrote some great spelling stories about a girl and a gorilla, but there was a catch - it  had to be less than 50 words and have our tricky spellings in. In art, we continued our repeating patterns with some impressive results.

Week 2


We’ve had another busy week here at West Denton. The children are really improving their English and maths skills, we can see the difference and growing confidence so well done Year 6. The highlight of this week was an art/maths lesson where the children made repeating patters using geometric shapes.  

Week 1

Welcome back. We hope you’ve all had a lovely Easter break.


This week we had our last drumming lesson. The children have progressed so well from when they first started and were all confidently drumming in tune and time. We've started our Light topic in science looking at how we see light and what causes reflection. It's been a great first week back.

Year 6 Drumming

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