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West Denton Primary School

‘A Stepping Stone into the Future’

Spring Term A

Important Information


This half term your child will need:

  • football kit every Wednesday,
  • swimming kit every Thursday,
  • reading book and diary every day,
  • reading books can be changed on Wednesdays,
  • reading diary's to be handed in and checked on Fridays.

Week 6

Home Reading


Here are this weeks home reading results. Keep up the good work greens!

This Week


This week we have be making volcanoes! See the photo gallery for all their hard work.  On Wednesday the whole school attended an assembly from the Rocksteady Music School where the children played air drums and air guitars. It was a very fun assembly. 


During the next half term, the children will have cycling on Tuesday afternoons so can we remind you all to make sure your child brings in a warm P.E kit. You will receive a text soon.


The children have worked really hard this half term so we hope you all enjoy a lovely break.

Week 5

Home Reading


Here are this weeks home reading results. Keep up the good work greens!

This Week


We started the week in the ICT Suite, learning about file management and word processing on the computers. Most of the children picked this up really well and thoroughly enjoyed the experience. In Science we've been looking at the different states of water and the water cycle.  We've also had a visit from the RNLI telling us all about what they do, and how to keep ourselves safe in the water.

Week 4

Home Reading


Here are this weeks home reading results. Keep up the good work greens!

This Week


The children completed their last piece of work on 'A Pebble In My Pocket' by writing a story about the life of a pebble using personification. We had some very good descriptive pieces and was clear to see the children have really enjoyed the story. The photos below show some of our work in science this week, where the children learnt about different states of matter and have been measuring the weight of carbon dioxide.

Week 3

Home Reading


We are really focusing on reading and would encourage your child to read at home with an adult for 10 minutes at least 3 times a week, and record it in their diary with the date and your signature. Children should not sign their own books unless they are a free reader. Each week, we will publish on the website how much reading everyone has done. We hope to see you all in the green zone.


Here are this weeks home reading results. Keep up the good work greens!

This Week


Continuing our story 'A Pebble in my Pocket', the children have been researching and writing a fact file about woolly mammoths. We have also been thinking about how life would have been back then and written a diary entry from the perspective of a caveman. We also practiced what to do in the event of an earthquake with the children sheltering under desks. 


In maths this week, we have been really practicing our times tables and learning the short multiplication method, which most of the children have mastered. If your child is not secure with their times tables, can you please practice them at home. The children are familiar with Times Tables Rockstars which is an online times table quiz. You will find links to this and other fun maths games in our Kid's Zone.

Week 2


We have been continuing our work on the book 'A Pebble in my Pocket' in English, with the children brainstorming ideas and even acting out some of the scenes from the book. In IPC the children made an erupting volcano. Everyone really enjoyed swimming this week too. We are very impressed with the children's attitude and behaviour while at the pool. Some children are even conquering their fear of the water which is a pleasure to see! We hope this continues.

Week 1


Welcome back to the Spring term! In English this week we have started our new book called 'A Pebble in my Pocket'. The children have been thinking about the pebble, what it looks and feels like and where it might have come from, and have produced some nice descriptions and poems.  In maths we've been practicing our 9 and 6 times table. With football on Wednesday and swimming on Thursday, we've been very active too!
