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West Denton Primary School

‘A Stepping Stone into the Future’

Autumn Term A

Phase 1 Curriculum Overview

Week 6

We had a really busy time in the bushcraft this week. We collected sticks, shaved clay and combined them to make a hedgehog. Then we looked at different autumnal items: acorns, fir cones, pine cones, conkers and pumpkins. We enjoyed opening conkers and seeing if we had one, two or even a tiny baby one. 
We have been writing a diary from the wolf in ‘The deep dark wood’. 

Week 5 

The children have worked really hard this week. They have enjoyed getting into role and being ‘the dark’. The have been developing their map reading skills, finding out about the climate in different countries. 

Week 4

What a great week! The children thoroughly enjoyed their autumn hunt and creating an autumn collage strip. They have enjoyed reading The deep, dark wood and sequencing the story. 

Week 3

Another super week in Year 2. We can now sort words into nouns, verbs and adjectives. We are place value experts and can both partition and flexibly partition a number. We have kept a weather diary this week in school and looked at how what we wear changes according to the seasons. Life in Year 2 is non stop! 

We were also delighted to see the medals that Jenson has just earned! Well done Jenson! 

Week 2

We have had a super week in school this week. We have enjoyed making habitats in the bushcraft area, used equipment to make different representations of numbers, sorted photos of the seasons , enjoyed our first ‘Story Makers’ music lesson, practised our rolling skills, learnt to use colour to portray emotions in a portrait and wrote a character description of Claude from our text ‘Claude in the City’. Wow! What a busy week we have had. 
You should be very proud of how the children are getting stuck in to life in Year 2. Thank you for your support, it was great to see everyone’s bookmarks signed. 


Science-sorting the seasons

Week 1

What a wonderful start the children have made to life in Year 2. They have arrived looking really smart in their new uniform and have been keen to begin learning. This week we have spent time getting to know them, finding out what they did in the holidays and discussing how special and unique they are. 

We are so excited to spend a year with them. 

Well done to all the children who have remembered their reading wallet every day, this is a great start and please keep hearing them read at home. It will make such a big difference. 
