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West Denton Primary School

‘A Stepping Stone into the Future’

Autumn Term A

Week 7

The children have worked incredibly hard during the Autumn term. In class this week the children have enjoyed Bush Craft making magic potions with Mrs. McHatton. It was the performance of the Animal Pageant with Steve and Franco with the Djembe drums. The children have enjoyed Halloween activities and dressing up on Friday.  

Thank you for your support during the Autumn term and enjoy the holidays. 




Week 6

Stars of the Week


Well done to the following children this week who have received certificates.

Learner of the week- Mohamed

Mathematician of the week- Joel

Positive attitude of the week- Emilly T

Writer of the week- Bluebell

Reader of the week- Danny


Week 6

Another busy week in year 1-2. We have continued to write about traditional tales in English. This week we have enjoyed The Gingerbread Man story and joining in with the refrain, run run as fast as you can, you can't catch me I'm the Gingerbread Man. In Computing the Year 6 children came into class to support the children logging on to Doodle Maths and reading the some of the questions.

In Maths the children have been learning number bonds up to ten using the part part whole.  In P.E. the class got hot and out of breath doing star jumps mini squats and running on the spot. In Music the class worked well to learn the song and actions with Franco. 

Week 5

Stars of the Week


Well done to the following children this week who have received certificates.

Learner of the week- Scarlett

Mathematician of the week- James

Positive attitude of the week- Jacob

Writer of the week- Emily W

Reader of the week- Evelyn

Week 5

In class this week we have been learning about the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears, including a sorry letter to the bears.  In Maths we have ordered numbers smallest to largest and the year two children have been counting in twos. The children have enjoyed another session in the Bush Craft area with Mrs McHatton.  In Music the children have continued to learn about tempo and rhythm playing the Djembe drums. 

Week 4

Stars of the Week


Well done to the following children this week who have received certificates.

Head Teacher award- Hesham

Learner of the week- Lily

Mathematician of the week- Kacper

Positive attitude of the week- Carter

Writer of the week- Joe

Reader of the week- Reuben

Week 4

In class this week the children have enjoyed the story of Little Red Riding Hood. They have described what she had in her basket and created a wanted poster of the wolf. In Maths, we have been learning the symbols for less than and more than and comparing amounts. In Computing the children have been exploring how to change their avatar on Purple Mash. In P.E. we have continued to improve our fitness and listening skills. The class have enjoyed their Bush Craft session and have worked as a team to transport bark chippings into the Bush Craft area. On Thursday the class had their music workshop with Steve and Franco learning a new song and playing the Djembe drums.  

Week 3

Stars of the Week


Well done to the following children this week who have received certificates.

Learner of the week- Ellie

Mathematician of the week- Nolan

Positive attitude of the week- Scarlett

Writer of the week- Ethan

Reader of the week- Thea

Week 3

Yet another very busy week in Year 1-2 this week. The children have enjoyed the story of the Three Billy Goats Gruff, they have sequenced the story, described the troll and written independently. In our Maths lessons we have been recording numbers before and after and the year two children have been partitioning using tens and ones. In P.E this half term the children are focussing on their fitness and listening to instructions. Steve and Franco have taken the class for the Animal Pageant workshop, where the children have been learning to play the Djembe drum.  In Bush Craft the class have been working in the school allotments and have also created patterns using natural materials. 

Week 2

Stars of the Week


Well done to the following children this week who have received certificates.

Learner of the week- Rory

Mathematician of the week- Danny

Positive attitude of the week- Joe

Writer of the week- Mohamed

Reader of the week- Emily T

Week 2

In class this week the children have been ordering and writing sentences about what happened in the story of the Three Little Pigs. In Maths we have been sorting and counting amounts. The children had a fantastic time during Bush Craft, where they created tree guardians using clay. On Thursday they enjoyed the Animal Pageant Music workshop with Franco and Steve learning to play the Djembe drums. 

Week 1

Stars of the Week


Well done to the following children this week who have received certificates.

Head Teacher award- Harper

Learner of the week- Bluebell

Mathematician of the week- Emily W

Positive attitude of the week- Evelyn

Writer of the week- James 

Reader of the week- Joel


The children have been superstars this week and have settled into class and daily routines.  They have all worked very hard throughout the week and tried their best.  In the mornings the children have been taking their time in handwriting lessons. In Maths the children have been forming their numbers to 20 and finding the missing numbers in the sequence.  The children enjoyed their first Bush Craft session with Miss McHatton on Wednesday. In Art the children had fun completing a self portrait.  
