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West Denton Primary School

‘A Stepping Stone into the Future’

Autumn A

Week 5

This week, the children thought about what the factory worker who found one of Willy Wonka’s golden tickets would have thought, felt and said. They created freeze frames, and their expressions were fantastic!  We started our DT topic ‘Sandwich Snacks’. The children tried different types of bread and sandwich fillings. We were impressed with how many things they tried and some of them surprised themselves by enjoying things that they thought they wouldn’t like!

Week 4

In maths this week, the children found 1, 10 and 100 more or less than given numbers. They were also estimating where numbers would go on number lines up to 1000. In English, they had to design the front and back of a Golden Ticket from Mr Willy Wonka. In Science, they learned all about muscles.

Week 3

We continued to work on place value in maths, and the children worked hard to partition numbers to either 100 or 1000. In Science, we learned about different types of skeletons. The children also learned the scientific names for the bones in the human skeleton. In Bushcraft, the children had to build hedgehog habitats.

Week 2

Our visit to Kirkley Hall was the highlight of this week. We learned all about why trees are important. We also had 'hedgehogs' and we had to check their temperature before building them some nests to see which group could make the best cosy nest to ensure the temperature didn't drop too low. We got to see and encounter lots of different animals. It was hard to pick a favourite! In English this week, we started reading Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. The children wrote character descriptions of Charlie and discussed his thoughts and feelings while he was standing staring through the gate of Wonka's factory. In Science we learned about the different food groups and what makes a balanced diet

Week 1

What a busy first week back we've had! The children have made such a positive start to year 3. In maths, we started place value. Some children used rekenreks looking at numbers to 20, and others were using base ten to partition numbers to 100. In English, the children wrote letters to me to tell me all about themselves. It was lovely to read them and get to know them a bit better! In Bushcraft, we worked hard in the allotments weeding, digging and picking blackberries. The children tried some of our delicious blackberries, rhubarb, mint and even apples and pears from the orchard! In PE we had our first hockey lesson and in music our song for this half term is 'Mamma Mia' by ABBA. We listened to the song and discussed the beat, then started to learn the words. The children also enjoyed their first Spanish lesson this week. I hope they all enjoy a well deserved rest after a busy week!
