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West Denton Primary School

‘A Stepping Stone into the Future’

Autumn Term B

 The Nativity

Nursery were filmed singing the song "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star".  Our whole school Christmas carol show will be released on the school YouTube channel by the end of Wednesday 16th December.  

The children looked amazing in the their costumes and enjoyed performing on stage.  Well done Nursery!

Week 6

Christmas Party

Nursery had a wonderful afternoon full of dancing, party games and party food.  

 Santa's Treehouse Grotto 

We had a special visitor in our Bushcraft area.  Santa Claus came to visit and handed out treats and gifts to the children. The children were so excited to see Santa and enjoyed catching their gifts down the slide.  They had milkshake and a sweet treat by the fire.

Thank You

Drinks Express West Denton kindly donated advent calendars to all the children in Nursery.  The children in class were thrilled with their generous gifts.  A huge thank you for your support.  

Week 5

 Stick Man

Nursery listened to the Julia Donaldson story "Stick Man". We made our own Stickman pictures in the painting area and on the collage table.  They loved watching the video of the story and we talked about all the different ways Stickman was used.  We also talked about Stickman's family and compared it to our own. We played a game of size using the Stickman family and explored vocabulary related to size.

Week 4

 The Three Billy Goats Gruff

Our fairytale fun this week has been based on the story "The Three Billy Goats Gruff".  The children have been great story tellers.  Using the puppet theatre they re-enacted the story with animated voices.

Nursery will be sent home individual log in details for Mini Mash, Ten Town and Seesaw.  Why not try some of the fairytale pin activities on Mini Mash at home?  We will be using Seesaw to post homework and work if children have to self isolate. We will let you know when this will begin.

Week 3 

Little Red Riding Hood

This week we have enjoyed listening to the traditional tale "Little Red Riding Hood".  The Nursery children love to write.  We have been using the clipboards to pretend to be teachers taking the regsiter and making lists.

Learning through play.

We enjoyed asking our friends what their favourite foods are and recording it on our tick sheets.

We are developing a love of stories and reading in our Nursery.

Week 2

 Goldilocks and the Three Bears

Nursery listened to the story "Goldilocks and the Three Bears".  We helped Goldilocks make porridge that was 'just right'.  It tasted delicious!   We dressed up as characters from the story by making either curly Goldilock's hair or bear ears in the collage area.

Nursery have been learning about Diwali the festival of light.  The children piped and painted their own mendhi pattern hand designs.

Week 1

 The Three Little Pigs

Our story of the week has been the traditional tale "The Three Little Pigs".  We helped the pigs make houses from straw, sticks and bricks.
