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West Denton Primary School

‘A Stepping Stone into the Future’

Spring Term B

Week 6


The children have continued to work hard this last week so well done year 6. On Wednesday, we had a computing morning working on spreadsheets where some of the children impressed us with their computing skills. The seeds we planted last week have started to sprout in the warmer weather. These will be put in our greenhouse over the break and we’ll see how they do when we come back. In maths, we continued algebra and in art we continued our street art. As a reward for working so hard and as we come to the end of our Harry Potter topic, the children watched the first Harry Potter film. Well done to Millie, Aidan and Rose for their work on TTRS and also to Alex for working so hard on Reading Plus. We hope you have a lovely Easter break. See you in 2 weeks!

Week 5


The children had a special treat this week in Bushcraft. Mrs McHatton had made an Easter egg hunt and, using compasses, the children had to find and solve clues around the field to take them to their prize, an Easter egg! We also planted several different seeds and have put some in the greenhouse and some on our classroom windowsill. In maths, we have started algebra. In English we have continued with our Harry Potter book. We’ve also done cycling and played netball.


We’ve spent quite a bit of time this week on Reading Plus, which the children have enjoyed and are benefiting hugely from. If anyone wants to log on over the weekend, they know their login details and is something we’d love to see. Remember that our Time Table Rockstars challenge comes to an end on Monday. If anyone wants to move further up the leaderboard then we would also encourage them to log on over the weekend. 

Week 4


This week we have continued with our Harry Potter text in English and also in art, by designing our own wands and creating some fantastic graffiti art. Check them out in the gallery below. We’ve been doing percentage of amounts in maths which has really got our brains working, and practicing our netball skills in PE. Everyone has worked really hard this week so we hope you manage to have a restful weekend.

Week 3 - Back to School


What a great week it’s been! It was so nice to welcome everyone back to school this week, and see their smiling faces. Year 6 have come back with a great attitude and have worked really hard all week. We have been particularly impressed with their efforts in maths so well done Year 6. The highlight of our week was probably bushcraft on Wednesday where the children really showed how well they can cooperate and work together. We’ve also played Netball in P.E., written letters and diary entries using Harry Potter in English, been cycling and also looked at spreadsheets in ICT. What a great start back to school life. See our gallery below to see how well they did.

Week 2


Well done to those children who have submitted work on Seesaw this week and also been on Reading Plus. Below you’ll find some of your written work. We are really looking forward to seeing you all next week. Until then, we hope you have a restful weekend and return ready to learn.

Week 1


Welcome back everyone to another strange start to the half term. We have loved seeing you work on Seesaw this week but can’t wait until we are back together in the classroom on the 8th of March. We have seen some fantastic art work and we hope you are enjoying the Harry Potter story so far. If anyone still needs a copy of the book, please get in touch and we can try to arrange that for you. Keep working hard and well done!


Upon our return, PE will be on Monday and Friday and Bushcraft will be on Wednesday 24th March. 


Well done to our Achievers this week. Certificates have been sent to you via Seesaw and are also below.
