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West Denton Primary School

‘A Stepping Stone into the Future’

Spring Term B

Week 6

P.E. this week was basketball, and the children were amazing at dribbling the ball and there were some fantastic goals! In Bushcraft, the children worked very hard in the allotments moving bark chippings. We have had lots of Easter fun this week; writing Easter poems, making cards and seeing the fantastic competition entries! We hope you all enjoy the break.

Week 5

The children enjoyed their handball session with Hat-Trick this week. It was quite tricky to get used to the rules compared to football, but they did a fantastic job! In maths, we have been looking at different types of charts and graphs in statistics. The children had a go at drawing their own bar charts for the first time. We were also lucky to have a fantastic assembly from Rocksteady Music this week!

Week 3

We continued experimenting with cave style art this week, using pastels, charcoal and powder paint to create some images of animals and handprints. The children played football in their session with Hat-Trick this week, and we finished off the week with both children and staff having fun dressing up for Comic Relief!

Week 2

We started the week with a fantastic PE session with Hat-Trick, who are working with year 3 this half term on a variety of skills. This week was all about dodgeball! We continued our money topic in maths, and some of the children were surprised at how many ways they could find to make 50p! In English, the children wrote some applications for the job of ‘Prehistoric Monster Hunter’ and we brought our Stone Age topic into art lessons this week. We were so impressed with the fantastic woolly mammoth skeletons drawn by the children using different grades of pencils, and they started to look at some cave painting art using pastels and charcoal.

Week 1

We have had a very busy first week back in year 3! The children enjoyed working in the allotments and cycling on Wednesday, then on Thursday we had a fantastic day celebrating World Book Day. It was great to see all of the brilliant costumes and we had a visit from Mr MingStones, who read us a story! We somehow managed to fit in some hard work amongst all of the fun. We started our money topic in maths and in English, the children wrote some brilliant letters to Ug’s mum to explain why he is so different. 
