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West Denton Primary School

‘A Stepping Stone into the Future’

Autumn Term B

Week 8

Christmas Fun!

This week has been all about visiting Santa and party fun. The children had an amazing time in the bushcraft area meeting Santa in the tree house and catching a special gift at the end of the slide.  They then enjoyed lots of dancing and party games in the hall on Wednesday.  Nursery have completed all of our Christmas crafts and hope you will love them.


We want to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from all of Nursery xxx

Week 7

C-H-R-I-S-T-M-A-S Spells Christmas 

The children have enjoyed another busy week in school and the excitement for Christmas is beginning to build! We have been working hard on our Christmas production of C-H-R-I-S-T-M-A-S Spells Christmas and the children are looking forward to performing this on Wednesday.

Week 6

 Christmas Jumper Day

This week we have celebrated Christmas jumper day. We printed our own jumper designs with paint, baked Christmas tree biscuits and decorated our own.

Week 5

Decorating our Tree

We have had a lovely morning working as a team decorating our class Christmas tree.  I'm sure you'll agree it looks beautiful!

November 18th

Children In Need

We had a great day learning about why we make donations and dressed up for Children In Need.  The Children completed a variety of Pudsey Bear themed activities including painting, collage, making paper ears and dancing.  We also made some spotty biscuits.

Week 3

 The Three Little Pigs

Activities this week were based around the traditional tale "The Three Little Pigs" and the children became familiar with the story and joined in with the repeated refrains. They made story maps and began to re-tell the story in their own words.

Fantastic little pig cakes baked measured, mixed and baked by the children.  Delicious!

Nursery used natural resources to make different collage houses to match those built in "The Three Little Pigs" story.

Week 2

 Bonfire Night

The children were excited to tell us all about the fireworks they had seen.  They made some spectacular firework printing pictures with glitter.  They also made a bonfire picture using collage materials which made a super display in Nursery.

Week 1

 Halloween Fun!

We had our Halloween party this week and lots of Halloween activities.
