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West Denton Primary School

‘A Stepping Stone into the Future’

Spring Term B

Week 4


This week the children have been working on their Life Skills in our Bushcraft Area looking for the missing nest; then finding an egg and looking after the chick, whilst they built shelters for them.

Week 3


Well what a fantastic week we've had being back at school. We've worked our socks of dividing huge numbers, starting the Iron Man and asking questions and making predictions about what might happen in the story. We've also started our new PE topic of Gymnastics and have learned the basic shapes and how to ballance on our points and patches. 


Our Stars of the Week are:

Rosie - Writer of the week.

Casey - Learner of the Week

Luke - Mathematician

Mohammed - Reader of the Week

Katie - Positive Attitude of the Week


Next week we are lucky enough to have Newcastle United Foundation coming into school to develop our football skills. They will be in school every Wednesday for the next 5 weeks so our PE days will be changing to a Wednesday for these weeks

Remember, Monday is our First Bush Craft session so please come to school in old, warm clothes and shoes.


Have a lovely weekend

Mrs Wood 


Week 1


Welcome back everyone to another strange start to the half term. We have loved seeing you work on Seesaw this week but can’t wait til we are back together in the classroom on the 8th of March. 


Upon our return, PE will be on a Thursday and Bushcraft will be on every other Monday starting on the 11th March. 



Achievers Certificates


Well done to Billie who is this weeks learner of the week for working extremely hard all week in school. You have really impressed your teachers. Keep up the hard work!

Well done to Eliza who is this weeks writer of the week. Well done Eliza you have worked really hard with all your writing activites throughout lockdown. Keep up the hard work!