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West Denton Primary School

‘A Stepping Stone into the Future’

Spring A

Week 4

This week we went on an exciting trip to The Sill, where we enjoyed a really interesting lecture about planets.  Our minds were blown by the sheer scale of our solar system and what lies beyond it.  Everyone listened attentively during the talk and the lecturer was very impressed by the children's existing knowledge and the insightful questions that they asked. After lunch we explored the rest of The Sill; as well as doing a treasure hunt, we looked at the Dark Skies exhibition and played with some of the interactive displays.  Even though it was very windy, we managed a quick walk on the roof too.

Week 3

In P.E. we further developed our travelling skills and rolls. In maths we have learning to subtract mixed numbers, which is very tricky! In history we have been researching the different gods that the Mayans worshiped and in English we have written newspaper reports based on the Lighthouse animation. 

Week 2

This week,  Y5 have been continuing with their swimming lessons and they have all greatly improved. In History, we have continued to find out about the Mayans and have compared Maya homes to Anglo-Saxon homes. In Maths, we have been adding and subtracting fractions including mixed numbers, which is very tricky! We have been improving our gymnastics by practising straddle, forward and backward rolls in P.E. The highlight of the week was some of our Year 5 children visiting the local care home to share their joy of reading with the residents there who loved sharing our books and reading with us. 

Week 1

We have a great first week back. In History we have started learning about the Mayans and the children have made timelines of the key events from this era. They have also been researching the problems that the Mayans faced when settling in the rainforest. 
Students from Queen’s College, Cambridge University came to talk to us about university life and we were able to ask them lots of interesting questions. 
On Friday we had our attendance treat for completing the ‘our perfect attendance’ challenge, we chose to come to school in non-uniform or Pjs and brought games in to play. 
Year 5 have also been swimming all week and they are making great progress. 
