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School Logo

West Denton Primary School

‘A Stepping Stone into the Future’

Opening Times



Year GroupKey Stage
Year 3 - 4NurseryEarly Years
4 - 5ReceptionEarly Years
5 - 6Year 1Key Stage 1
6 - 7Year 2Key Stage 1
7 - 8Year 3Key Stage 2
8 - 9Year 4Key Stage 2
9 - 10Year 5Key Stage 2
10 - 11Year 6Key Stage 2


School day 8.55 am to 3.25 pm

Morning session 8.55 am to 12 noon (12.10 pm for Key Stage 2)

Afternoon session 1.00 pm to 3.15 pm


Morning break from 10.30am to 10.45am. Year 1 has an afternoon break from 2.00 pm to 2.15 pm.


Teaching hours are in line with government recommendations.


Children should arrive at school no earlier than 15 minutes before school starts.


NB The school Breakfast Club opens at 07.30 and the Twilight Club closes as 17.15. This amounts to a total time of 48.75 hours when the school is open each week.

Late Arrival

If you arrive once the class entrance doors have closed you will have to sign your child into the 'Late Gate' at the main Reception door, being late can be very disruptive for your child and their classmates, please make every effort to arrive on time.

Collecting Children

If there is going to be a change from the parent/carer who normally picks up your child, can you please inform the class teacher directly.
