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West Denton Primary School

‘A Stepping Stone into the Future’

Autumn B

Week 7

We have made it to the last week of term and the children are ready for a well deserved rest.  The class enjoyed their Christmas party on Monday and a huge thank you for your support and food donations.  On Tuesday a special visitor arrived in the Bush Craft area.  On Wednesday the class took part in a paper chain challenge to promote team work.

We hope you have a fantastic Christmas and a peaceful New Year.


Week 6

In class this week the children have decorated their diva lamps.  In English the children have written the nativity story.  On Tuesday the class enjoyed performing the Christmas nativity play and watching the Rock Steady music concert.  

Stars of the Week

Well done to the following children this week who have received certificates.

Learner of the week-  Aurora

Reader of the week- Muhamad

Positive attitude of the week- Kamara

Writer of the week- Sunny

Reader of the week- Blake

Week 5

In class this week the children have made Diwali lamps from clay.    In History the class have looked at what makes a significant person in History, including Marie Curie, Margaret Thatcher and Elizabeth 1st.  On Wednesday all of phase 1 performed the Animal Pageant song to reception.  We have continued to rehearse our nativity play ready for next Tuesday and the children are looking forward to performing. 

Stars of the Week

Well done to the following children this week who have received certificates.

Learner of the week- Lennox

Mathematician of the week- Daniel

Positive attitude of the week- Daisy-Mae

Writer of the week- George

Reader of the week- Dani

Week 4

In class this week the children have been learning about Hinduism in R.E. the children have drawn the Gods Hindus worship and sequenced the story of Rama and Sita.  They have also created some Rangoli patterns.  On Monday phase 1 had a Christmas workshop with their grown ups, where they got to make lots of Christmas decorations to take home.  In History we have explored what makes an important person in History.  In Maths we have continued to add and subtract and record our calculations.  We have also started to rehearse our songs and acting for the Nativity performance. 

Stars of the Week

Well done to the following children this week who have received certificates.

Learner of the week- Colin

Mathematician of the week- Tommie

Positive attitude of the week- Robin

Writer of the week- A J

Reader of the week- Ellsie

Week 3

In class this week the children have been writing information about hedgehogs, including where they live, their diet and appearance.  In Maths we have been subtracting using a number line and recording our calculations.  In P.E. we the children enjoyed a team building lesson, including moving a hoop around the group without breaking hands and competing in group tag.  We have also started to learn the songs for the Christmas nativity. 

Stars of the Week

Well done to the following children this week who have received certificates.

Learner of the week- Riley

Mathematician of the week- Daisy

Positive attitude of the week- Lisa

Writer of the week- Arusha

Reader of the week- Carter

Week 2

In class this week the children have been comparing fiction and non-fiction books and identifying their features.  In Maths we have been subtracting, finding a part and breaking apart using the part part whole model and bar model methods.  In Science we have been looking at the seasons and recording the weather.  In P.E. we the children enjoyed a team building lesson, including moving a hoop around the group without breaking  the link and moving a ball the whole way around the parachute.  On Thursday we enjoyed an assembly about dark skies with Joanne from the Sill National Landscape Discovery Centre in Northumberland. 

Stars of the Week

Well done to the following children this week who have received certificates.

Learner of the week- Jaxson

Mathematician of the week- Maddie

Positive attitude of the week- Aurora

Writer of the week- Blake

Reader of the week- Muhamad

Week 1

The children have returned rested and refreshed from the half term break. 

In English the class have been writing firework poems and using adjectives, nouns and verbs.  In Music the children enjoyed playing the Djembe drums with Steve.  On Thursday afternoon the class worked together with parent helpers to tidy up the outdoor area, lifting sorting and transporting the rubbish to the skip.  They created a bug hotel using dead wood and pallets.  They really got stuck in and got their hands dirty.  

A huge thank you to all the parents and helpers who gave up their time to support the children and school. 

Stars of the Week

Well done to the following children this week who have received certificates.

Learner of the week- Jonny

Mathematician of the week- George

Positive attitude of the week- Jacob

Writer of the week- Paige

Reader of the week- Kamara
