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West Denton Primary School

‘A Stepping Stone into the Future’

Summer Term A

Week 4


As always we've had a jam packed week this week and have been working really hard. We started the week in the Bush Craft area making bird feed by mixing together lard, bird seed, suet and meal worms. Some of us really enjoyed squishing it all together but others not so much but we still did our best. 

This week we have started a brand new class book linked to this terms topic on Explorers. The book is called Oliver and the Seawigs and we started by looking at the front cover, back cover and some extracts from the book to see what we thought the book would be about. We thought about the illustrations and words and thought of and wrote questions about each one and discussed them as a whole class. We were able to draw conclusions and make predictions about what might happened based on what we had already read and seen.

As Eid fell this Thursday we had a class assemble about Eid and Ramadan then we made Eid cards for Mohammed who was enjoying Eid celebrations with his family. 



Stars of the Week


Achievers certificates this week are:

Mathematician of the week: Casey

Positive Attitude: Billie-Mai and Eliza

Learner: Katie

Reader: Taylor

Writer: Jordan

Handwriting: Luke



Week 3


Once again we have had a really busy week despite it only being 4 days long. We have been working really hard learning how to find fractions of amount and adding and subtracting fractions to mastery level. We ended the week with a non uniform day for the NSPCC number day and really stretched out maths skills by working out the budget for a party which really was quite tricky!


Stars of the Week


Achievers certificates this week are:

Mathematician of the week: Michael

Positive Attitude: Mason

Learner: Kaiden 

Reader: Chloe S


Well done to them all and keep up the hard work!

Week 2

We have had a super week this week in school. We started with a fabulous session in the Bush Craft area making model hedgehogs from clay and small twigs we found in the bush craft area.

In English we worked like troopers developing our Journalistic skills. We have written outstanding newspaper reports about the arrival of the Iron Man including fantastic powerful descriptions and quotes from characters who witnessed the events and some of the events that followed. We have also had our second session of ABC with Mr Mather learning all about attitudes, behaviours  and consequences so that we all grow up to be super citizens in the future. 

After all of our extra hard work this week we are really looking forward to a long weekend. Let's hope the sun is shining!

Stars of the Week


This week we had stars of the week and Mr Mingstones gave out his head teacher accolade too. This weeks stars are:

Writer of the Week:  Joseph

Reader of the Week: Cameron 

Positive Attitude of the Week: Eliza 

Learner of the Week: Jayden B

Handwriting Award : Kaiden, Georgie and Billie-Mai


Mr Mingstones Head Teacher Accolade: Leo for super resilience and Georgie for always working really hard.

Week 1`


It has been great to be back in school after the Easter holidays and the weather has certainly been kind to us this week and we have enjoyed to the sunshine. We have been working really hard working out fractions of amounts and continuing to read our class text The Iron Man. This week we have written diary entries from the perspective of the Iron Man and have begun to plan a Newspaper report about chapter 4 of the book. 

During this weeks Rock Steady Music we have continued to develop our composition skills and have also learned some Makaton signs to accompany the song signs so everyone can understand what we have been singing. 

Stars of the Week


These are the stars this week:

Reader of the Week: Scarlett

Writer of the Week: Archie

Mathematician of the week: Chloe

Learner of the Week: Kayden

Positive attitude of the week: Leo

Well done to you all. Keep up the hard work!
