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West Denton Primary School

‘A Stepping Stone into the Future’

Spring A

Week Six


We have had a busy last week. We finished off our history topic all about the Mayans. We enjoyed finding out lots of interesting facts about the Gods and how all the cities linked together. In science we made a circuit to make our own steady hand game. We have worked hard in maths. We have been multiplying  2 digit numbers by 2 digit number. 

We hope you have a lovely half term and a well deserved rest. We are handing out doodle logins for your children to keep practicing in the holidays. 



Steady hand game

Still image for this video

Week Five


This week we had a well deserved rest from of all our assessments and visited The Sill. We enjoyed a fascinating talk all about space. It was really interesting to see how small we are compared to other planets. We then had the chance to visit different exhibits, one of the was a beautiful exhibit about dark skies. The children loved the next exhibit because they got to dress up in different animal costumes. 

In science, we have been looking at electricity. We had lots of fun creating our own circuits, using lights,  motors and buzzers. We found it hard to make a circuit with a a switch, light and buzzer because they wouldn’t switch on and off at the same time with some perseverance we managed to get it to work. Have a look at some pictures below. 

Week Four

The children have been very cultured this week learning all about opera. Did you know that the word opera means work in Italian. The children took part in a workshop all about The Magic Flute. Enjoy a sneak preview of the first song we have been learning 'Walk on Tiptoe'.


In English the children have been writing newspaper reports for the Scottish Prophet based on a short film called 'Lighthouse'.


Long  multiplication has been making our heads hurt but we are getting there. I did make a video as promised but it will not let me upload it so watch this space. I am living out the core value of resilience. 


Kind regards


Miss Croll and Miss Wilson


Week Three

In English, the children have started a new unit of work based on a short film called 'The Lighthouse'. The children are working in role as reports for the Scottish Prophet where they had to generate eye catching headlines to hook the reader in, and they have created an effective lead/orientation about the news story. Using the drama technique of hot-seating, the children interviewed key characters in order to create key quotes for their newspaper reports. As a school, we purchase weekly copies of First News and this has been an excellent resource so children can become familiar with the structure of newspaper reports and a journalistic style of writing while keeping up today with local, regional and national news stories.


In Maths the children are focusing on multiplication and moving towards long multiplication. Please see the video below which demonstrates how we teach this a sit may be different from when you ere at school. Tables are everything so please keep practising this essential skills as tables impacts on so many areas of learning in Maths.


Week Two


This week we have a come along way in our swimming. In the last session we learned a lot about how to stay safe in the water and what to do if we see someone in need in the water. We even got to wear our pyjamas so we could feel the weight of the clothing. We had lots of fun!


We have also finished our geography unit and now started to look at our history. We made a timeline about the different periods of time in Mayan history. We looked at the disadvantages of living in the Mayan rainforest and tried to come up with some solutions. 

Have a look at the pictures below when we created the timelines. 

Week One


Happy New Year and welcome back.


For the next two weeks the children are swimming every day. It is amazing to see how much progress they have made in just four days. Therefore, I cannot wait to see where they will be at the end of next week.


Also the children have begun our Geography unit of work all about mountains. Why not ask them names of mountain ranges and which continent they are on?


Below there are  photos of the children, creating  contour maps and understanding what contour lines are.


Enjoy your weekend!


Miss Croll and Miss Wilson
