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West Denton Primary School

‘A Stepping Stone into the Future’

Summer Term B

Week 5

Stars of the Week


Well done to the following children this week who have received certificates.


Learner of the week- Michelle

Mathematician of the week- Freddie

Positive attitude of the week- Olivia

Writer of the week- CJ

Reader of the week- Kai

Head  Teacher Award- Elsie

Week 5

The children have worked incredibly hard this week. They enjoyed using a steel and flint in the Bush Craft area on Monday. They were shown how to create a spark as part of the LSCA. In Maths the children have been learning about the properties of 3D shapes and have made cuboids and cubes from nets. In English the children have enjoyed writing acrostic and shape poems linked to the sea. As part of our D.T the class have been exploring different types of puppets and the materials they are made from. 

Week 4 

Stars of the Week


Well done to the following children this week who have received certificates.


Learner of the week- Ashton

Mathematician of the week- Jessica

Positive attitude of the week- Izzy

Writer of the week- Leela

Reader of the week- Siako

Week 4

In class this we the children have been revising their phonic sounds, completing sorting, reading and writing activities to improve their reading skills. In Maths the children have been learning about position and direction. In computing the class have been learning about how to use the internet safely.  In Science the children have been learning about materials and their properties. 


Week 3

Stars of the Week


Well done to the following children this week who have received certificates.


Learner of the week- Mohamed

Mathematician of the week- Callum

Positive attitude of the week- Ibrahim

Writer of the week- Elsie

Reader of the week- Jack


Week 3

In year 1-2 this week the children have been enjoying the outdoors. On Monday they made pizza in the bush craft area and had a lot of fun making a seesaw. In Science we explored the school grounds identifying and labelling objects with the correct material label. Then we went on a materials hunt identifying objects and the material it was made from. In English we have been writing instructions on how to wash your hands and in Maths the children have been investigating odd and even numbers as well as grouping amounts in twos. 

Week 2

Stars of the Week


Well done to the following children this week who have received certificates.


Learner of the week- Sam

Mathematician of the week- Chester

Positive attitude of the week- Freddie

Writer of the week- Riley

Reader of the week- Elizabeth

Head  Teacher Award- Freddie

Week 2

In English this week the children have been sequencing the story Billy's Bucket. They have written about the creatures Billy found in his bucket.  In Maths the children have been doing repeated addition progressing onto arrays. In our History topic about the seaside the class have compared what has changed from 100 years ago to the present day.  They have also looked for similarities of activities people still do now. 

Week 1

Stars of the Week


Well done to the following children this week who have received certificates.


Learner of the week- Harrison

Mathematician of the week- Michelle

Positive attitude of the week- Lucas

Writer of the week- Olivia

Reader of the week- Joey

Week 1

Wow what a busy week we have had in class. The children have been working extremely hard in Maths completing their number bonds to 10 using the bar method. In English we have been editing sentences and correcting the mistakes. In our afternoons the children have become history detectives, looking for clues about what holidays at the seaside were like 100 years ago. 
