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West Denton Primary School

‘A Stepping Stone into the Future’

Spring B

Week Four

This week the children have been embracing the Voice 21 Oracy project and applying their skills to an oral presentation in English. The were persuading people to visit tourist attractions in Edinburgh.

Week Three

Year 5 Drumming Lessons

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The children are having a block of six weeks of drumming lessons. The children take it in turns to follow key drumming patterns as well as call and response.

Week Two

We started off the week with a dance workshop to celebrate World Book Day. The workshop was based on the book The Iron Man by Ted Hughes.

The Iron Man

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Week One

On Tuesday, the children returned back to school and had an exciting outing to the Shiply Art Gallery in Gateshead. Here the children enjoyed the exhibitions, as well as creating a textile piece of art themselves. To begin with, the children were exploring different types of materials from wool to cotton.


The children then had to pull wool apart into tiny fibres to make a cloud - like pile of wool which now looked like candy gloss. The children then added different coloured wool fibres on top to create their own design.


The children then placed mesh on top of their designs and then their tray was filled with soapy water. After massaging their design for several minutes, it turned into felt. These were then rinsed and left to dry.


During the afternoon session, the children had a fascinating talk all about different textiles from quilting to cross stitching. The session was very hands-on.

